For Prospective Renters

ARO Buildings Map 

You can find a map with ARO properties here. This interactive map shows affordable rental properties with ARO units across the city, with each data point representing a specific property. Clicking on each point reveals the property’s address, contact information, and ARO unit details (i.e., unit type and area median income levels).

Prospective ARO tenants should contact the Property Manager/Leasing Agent of the property for which they are interested in applying. The City of Chicago does not own, operate, or manage ARO units.

The Property Manager/Leasing Agent will be your main point of contact. They will collect and process the required application documents. Based on the documentation provided by the applicant, the applicant’s employer and financial institution(s), the Property Manager/Leasing Agent will review and assess if the applicant meets the income and affordability requirements for an affordable unit.

Affordable Rental Housing Resource List 

DOH also provides a list of rental properties made available through the ARO and other city programs. The Affordable Housing Resource List can be filtered by Community Area, Property Type, Property Name, Address, and zip code. The list provides contact information for the property manager/leasing company.