For Developers

1801 W Grand Avenue Building

Residential developments with 10 or more units that receive City Council approval for a zoning entitlement, city land sale, or financial assistance are to provide a portion of their units as affordable.

  • Zoning entitlement: includes, but not limited to, zoning map amendments, administrative adjustments, floor area premiums.
  • City land sale: when the City sells property to any developer and such property is developed with a residential development.
  • Financial assistance: any financing provided by the City for residential developments.

ARO compliance depends on the type of project (rental or owner-occupied), location, and target affordability level. Generally, compliance can be met by providing on-site units, off-site units, paying in-lieu, or a combination thereof. Please refer to Chapter 2-44-085 (the 2021 ARO) of the Municipal Code of Chicago for more detail. 

If a Developer would like to meet and discuss their ARO proposal with the ARO team, please schedule a meeting via appointment form.