
Chicago Housing Trust

Under the Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO), affordable homes/units created that are ‘for sale’ or designated for homeownership are administered by the Chicago Housing Trust (CHT).

Chicago Housing Trust

ARO Rules

Section 2-44-085 (the ARO) of the Municipal Code of Chicago (MCC) sets out Applicability standards in Sections (C) and (D). The ARO Rules provide clarification, where needed.

ARO Rules

Income and Rent Limits

Federal, state, and local laws place restrictions on the income of households assisted through various Department of Housing (DOH) programs. The maximum income level for DOH programs varies, according to the policies and regulations that guide each program. Income limits are for the Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL HUD Metro FMR Area.

Income and Rent Limits - last updated April 2024

Resources for Homeowners

The Department of Housing (DOH) offers a number of programs to assist current homeowners in making repairs to their homes, and contracts with housing counseling services to help prevent foreclosure.

Resources for Homeowners

CHT Participating Loan Officers
CHT Applicant Qualifications
CHT Recommended Attorneys