

All Property Managers/Leasing Agents subject to the ARO are required to adopt an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing and Tenant Screening Plan (MTSP)

The MTSP requires that Property Managers/Leasing Agents must:

  • Follow the tenant screening criteria rules and policies
  • Create a marketing plan

Detailed in the MTSP, are tenant screening criteria that state the steps for applicants to apply for an affordable unit, and policies for Property Managers/Leasing Agents to comply with for selecting tenants.

Property Managers/Leasing Agents are required to give preference in leasing to income-qualified tenants of:

  • Multi-person households
  • People with disabilities
  • Veterans

Housing providers are required by law to respond to requests for reasonable accommodation and modifications to assist people with disabilities in accessing and securing housing.


Exhibit A: Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan and Rental Unit Marketing Form

In Exhibit A of the MTSP, there is a required ARO marketing intake form to be completed requesting details on marketing methods, advertising, and community outreach that comply with the ARO requirements. Housing providers are required to conduct marketing that utilizes the sample ad language and translates information into formats that are accessible for persons with disabilities and who speak languages other than English. Additionally, Project Managers/Leasing Agents are required to fill out and send the Rental Unit Marketing Form (RUMF) to DOH staff for new leases to be included in the ARO Buildings Map.

Note: No marketing or advertising material related specifically to the affordable units should be distributed or published until DOH staff has signed off on the Property Managers’/Leasing Agents’ Marketing Plan for the project. If the Marketing Plan is not approved, DOH staff will provide recommendations to remedy any deficiencies.

Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing and Tenant Screening Plan (MTSP) Rules