Supporting Information
2019 Qualified Allocation Plan
Functioning like a Request for Proposals, the QAP solicits applications for affordable housing development funding, and describes the selection criteria and application requirements for receiving federal tax credits and tax-exempt bonds.
A Guide for MOPD's Language Access Policy
MOPD's Language Access Policy
A Permit Overview
A Permit Overview
A Plan for Economic Growth and Jobs
"A Plan for Economic Growth and Jobs" was created by World Business Chicago under the direction of Mayor Rahm Emanuel to leverage the the city's unique economic assets.
Administrative Adjustments
Administrative adjustments are intended to provide a streamlined approval procedure for minor modifications of selected zoning standards.
Alternative Code Approval Request (ACAR) Process
The Alternative Code Approval Request (ACAR) process provides a uniform procedure for State-licensed design professionals and city-licensed or registered contractors and trade professionals to request project-specific approvals explicitly required by the Chicago Construction Codes or project-specific modifications of code requirements. In limited cases, building owners may also submit such requests.
Apprentice Crane Operator License
Important information about City of Chicago apprentice crane operator licenses
Apprentice Plumber License
Important information about City of Chicago apprentice plumber licenses
Board-up Company (Regulated Business) License
Important information about City of Chicago board-up company licenses, a type of regulated business license
Bronzeville Lakefront
The Bronzeville Lakefront is a 7 million-square -foot mixed-use, mixed-income, multi-phase project planned for the former Michael Reese Hospital site located south of the McCormick Place Convention Center.
C40 Reinventing Cities Competition
The City of Chicago is moving forward with one development plan in East Garfield Park from the 2019 Reinventing Cities competition. City planning staff also released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for another site in The Loop as a part of the 2020 Reinventing Cities competition.
CACC Data Statistics
View the CACC Data Statistics for Impoundments, Animal Placements, Animal Transfers and Euthanasia.
Campaign Financing Ordinance
Campaign Financing Ordinance of the City of Chicago
Cannabis Zoning Ordinance
The Cannabis Zoning Ordinance, approved by City Council in October 2019, regulates where new adult use recreational cannabis dispensaries may open in the City of Chicago.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms for Your Home
Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that can kill you. Carbon monoxide alarms help to protect you and your family from this invisible threat. Learn more about carbon monoxide alarms for your home.
Central Area Action Plan
The Central Area Action Plan (CAAP) contains information intended to encourage the implementation of policies and projects essential for the Central Area’s effective functioning, growth and quality of life.
Central Area Plan
The Central Area Plan is a guide for continued economic success, physical growth, and environmental sustainability in downtown Chicago. Approved by the Chicago Plan Commission in 2003, it's the first plan for downtown produced by the City since 1958.
Certificates of Occupancy
A Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Department of Buildings to certify that residential buildings with 4 or more units and larger non-residential buildings conform to the requirements of the Chicago Building Code.
Certified Plan Corrections
To allow for a shorter, simpler and more efficient building permit process, all Standard Plan Review building permit applications must use the Certified Plan Corrections program to address most types of plan review corrections issued by the Department of Buildings after a full review.
Chatham Commercial Design Guidelines
In 2017 and 2018, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) worked in partnership with the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU), the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation and Farr Associates to engage Chatham residents, businesses and stakeholders in a planning exercise to create a set of design guidelines and other recommendations aimed at enhancing Chatham’s commercial corridors.
Chicago Air Quality Ordinance
The Air Quality Ordinance, approved by City Council in March 2021, regulates the construction and expansion of certain facilities that create air pollution.
Chicago Brownfields Initiative
Brownfields, as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), are “abandoned, idled, or under-utilized industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination.”
Chicago Energy Transformation Code
The 2022 Chicago Energy Transformation Code is based on the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code. All plan-based building permit applications must be accompanied by a compliance statement, prepared by a licensed design professional, documenting how applicable energy conservation requirements are met.
Chicago Green Roofs
The City of Chicago's Green Roof dataset and corresponding map provides the location, satellite images, and square footage of existing green roofs within the City of Chicago.
Chicago Landmark Designation: Marina City
The Commission on Chicago Landmarks voted in favor of a final recommendation to City Council that Marina City be designated as a Chicago Landmark.
Chicago Plan Commission
Established in 1909 to implement the Burnham Plan for Chicago, the Chicago Plan Commission is responsible for the review of proposals that involve Planned Developments (PDs), the Lakefront Protection Ordinance, Planned Manufacturing Districts (PMDs), Industrial Corridors and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts.
Chicago River Design Guidelines
The City of Chicago updated its Chicago River Design Guidelines in 2019, building upon the successful implementation of the Chicago Riverwalk, the visions and feedback received from the River Edge Ideas Lab exhibit, and previous plans and guidelines.
Chicago Sustainable Development Policy
The Chicago Sustainable Development Policy has been continually implemented since June 2004. The goal of the policy is to enhance the sustainable performance of projects receiving City assistance. It requires development projects that are receiving financial assistance or special approvals from the City to include sustainable elements.
City Hall's Rooftop Garden
Chicago’s most famous rooftop garden sits atop City Hall, an 11-story office building in the Loop. City Hall and the adjacent Cook County building appear to most people as one building spanning a city block bounded by LaSalle, Randolph, Clark and Washington streets.
Committee on Design
The Committee on Design is an informal advisory committee currently under formation by the Department of Planning and Development (DPD). The committee will advise Commissioner Maurice Cox and DPD staff on design excellence for major development projects and urban design initiatives.
Committee on Standards and Tests
This committee of building industry technical professional and City staff meets once a month to review the suitability of new systems and methods of construction, new types of equipment, or new combinations of materials not currently permitted or recognized by the Code.
Community Development Commission
The Community Development Commission (CDC) was established by the Chicago City Council in 1992 to assume the duties of the former Commercial District Development Commission and the Department of Urban Renewal. The CDC reviews and recommends action on TIF-related matters. It is comprised of 15 members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council.
Community and Strategic Plans
Information on Community and Strategic Plans
Conservation Inspection
The Division of Building Inspections, more commonly known as "Conservation", is charged with enforcing the Chicago Building Code as it relates to the City's existing housing stock.
Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling
The Department of Public Health promotes the responsible separation and recycling of construction and demolition (C&D) debris to help contractors and property owners save on costly disposal fees while protecting the environment.
Crane Operator License
Important information about City of Chicago crane operator licenses
Demolition Delay
The Demolition-Delay Ordinance, adopted by City Council in 2003, establishes a hold of up to 90 days in the issuance of any demolition permit for certain historic buildings in order that the Department of Zoning and Land Use Planning can explore options, as appropriate, to preserve the building, including but not limited to landmark designation.
Demolition Delay Hold List (2014)
See the list for Demolition Delay Hold for the year 2014
Demolition Delay Hold List (2015)
See the list for Demolition Delay Hold for 2015
Demolition Delay Hold List (2016)
See the list for Demolition Delay Hold for 2016
Demolition Delay Hold List (2017)
See the list for Demolition Delay Hold for 2017
Demolition Delay Hold List (2018)
See the list for Demolition Delay Hold for 2018
Demolition Delay Hold List (2019)
See the list for Demolition Delay Hold for 2019
Demolition Delay Hold List (2022)
See the list for Demolition Delay Hold for the year 2022
Demolition Delay Hold List (2023)
See the list for Demolition Delay Hold for the year 2023
Drain Layer Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago drain layer contractor licenses
Electrical Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago electrical contractor licenses
Elevator Mechanic Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago elevator mechanic contractor licenses
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Get involved in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy programs.
Enterprise Zone Program
The Enterprise Zone Program provides state and city incentives to help local businesses expand. Enterprise zones are geographic areas designated by the city and certified by the state of Illinois to receive various tax incentives and other benefits.
Environmental Rules and Regulations
CDPH enforces the Rules and Regulations in cooperation with other City departments where applicable
Federal Review of Jackson Park Improvements
The City of Chicago, through the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), is working on several roadway improvement projects in Jackson Park that will support the Obama Presidential Center (OPC) and the South Lakefront Framework Plan update.
Focal Point Community Campus
The Chicago Southwest Development Corporation (CSDC) is proposing to develop the mixed-use Focal Point Community Campus on approximately 30 acres of land at the southwest corner of West 31st Street and South Kedzie Avenue in the Little Village neighborhood.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions about Driveway Permit
Fulton Market Innovation District
The Fulton Market Innovation District (FMID) Plan was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission in July 2014 and identifies a vision to preserve existing jobs while accommodating private sector investments that reinforce the area’s expanding role as an innovation-driven employment center.
General Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago general contractor licenses
General Contractors License
Information on General Contractors License
Geotech-OUC Reviews
The OUC and Geotech Reviews, analyze projects that are performing excavation near to or on the Public Right of Way, to ensure that the proposed work does not damage the utilities that are near project work site. These reviews are performed by the Department of Transportation and the Department of Buildings.
Gladstone Park Corridor Study
The Gladstone Park Corridor Study was developed from 2015 to 2017 at the request of the Gladstone Park Chamber of Commerce and in coordination with then-Ald. John Arena of the 45th Ward and then-Ald. Margaret Laurino of the 39th Ward.
Green Design
Green designs and ideas that we can all use to help use water more wisely.
Harbor Permit Review Process
CDOT has the responsibility to review all permits requested within 40 feet of City waterways.
Instructions for Commercial Driveway Permit Application – this should be a link on the Driveway permits
Home Repair (Regulated Business) License
Important information about City of Chicago home repair licenses, a type of regulated business license
Housing 101
Housing 101 is a series of presentations created by DOH to better inform Chicagoan's on housing resources. View the presentations below.
Illinois-licensed Private Alarm Contractors
Important information about how Illinois-licensed private alarm contractors and private alarm contractor agencies can apply for (or be listed on) permits in the City of Chicago
Industrial Corridor Modernization Initiative
The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) initiated a public process in spring 2016 to refine land use policies for continued growth and private investment in the City’s Industrial Corridor system
Investigation of Discrimination Complaints
The Commission on Human Relations receives, investigates, and rules on discrimination complaints filed under the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance.
Jefferson Park Station Area Master Plan
The Jefferson Park Station Area Plan is a Master Plan for the area surrounding the Jefferson Park Transit Center on Chicago's Northwest Side.
Jobs and Wages in Chicago's Industrial Corridors
The Department of Planning and Development, in conjunction with AECOM Technical Services, conducted an analysis of employment data acquired from the Illinois Department of Employment Security.
Landscape Ordinance
The City of Chicago's Landscape Ordinance requires landscape features to be incorporated into all new or substantially renovated business, commercial buildings and large residential buildings.
Lincoln Yards
Sterling Bay, a Chicago-based real estate developer, has received City approval to construct a 15-million-square-foot development on 53 acres of riverfront land on Chicago's North Side.
Little Village Framework
A community-based process led by the Department of Planning and Development to review and enhance the Little Village Industrial Corridor began in April 2018.
Mason Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago mason contractor licenses
Milwaukee Avenue Corridor Plan
Find information about the Milwaukee Avenue Corridor Plan.
Milwaukee/Lawrence Corridor Study
The goal of the Milwaukee/Lawrence Corridor Study is to identify the means to strengthen and enhance Downtown Jefferson Park through preservation, renovation, and redevelopment.
Modernizing Chicago's Construction Codes
The City of Chicago is in the middle of a multi-year effort to realign Chicago’s construction codes, based on widely-used model construction codes, while maintaining longstanding requirements that are well-adapted to local conditions. The current effort began in 2015 and is planned for completion in 2023.
Near Northwest Side Plan
he Near Northwest Side Plan addresses ongoing changes to the Fulton River District, Eckhart Park, Noble Square, East Village and Ukrainian Village neighborhoods.
Near South Community Plan
The "Near South Community Plan" serves as a guide to future development of the South Loop and Near South communities by recommending future land use, open space and transportation improvements.
Near West Side Plan
The Near West Side Plan covers an 88-block area bounded by the Kennedy and Eisenhower expressways, Lake Street and Ashland Avenue.
Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus: Leveraging Downtown Zoning to Foster Neighborhood Development and Central Area Growth
Updates to the Chicago zoning code's downtown floor area bonus system and downtown zoning district geography were approved by City Council in May 2016. Coordinated as the Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus, the changes simplify and update the downtown floor area bonus system; accommodate ongoing central area growth through an expanded downtown zoning district; and provide new funding sources to encourage commercial development in neighborhoods lacking private investment.
Neighborhood Opportunity Fund
The Neighborhood Opportunity Fund has promoted equitable neighborhood development since its creation in 2016. The fund provides resources to encourage development in West, Southwest and South Side commercial corridors.
Non-Congregate Shelter Acquisition Program
The Non-Congregate Shelter Acquisition Program RFP is seeking proposals from shelter operators and service providers in need of non-congregate space.
North Branch Framework Plan, Design Guidelines and Implementation
Land use framework plan and design guidelines for the North Branch Industrial Corridor.
Notice of Cannabis Business Establishment Application - 2020
Illinois state law requires the City of Chicago to post notice online when the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) receives an application for the establishment of a cannabis business establishment. Non-dispensary businesses, which may or may not require ZBA approval, are listed on this page.
Notice of Cannabis Business Establishment Applications
Illinois state law requires the City of Chicago to post notice online when the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) receives an application for the establishment of a cannabis business establishment. Non-dispensary businesses, which may or may not require ZBA approval, are listed on the pages as well.
October 2021 Committee on Design Meeting
The Committee on Design will meet virtually at 1 pm on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021.
Office of the Zoning Administrator
Information for sending correspondence to the Office of the Zoning Administrator
Older Code Interpretations and Memos
Building code clarifications, interpretations and memoranda issued in 2017 and earlier. For current guidance, please visit the building code interpretation page.
Opportunity Zones
The State of Illinois is participating in the Opportunity Zone program, offered through the Tax Cuts and Job Act signed into law on December 22, 2017.
Ordinance, Publications and Additional Chicago Landmark Information
A list of landmark-related publications by Commission on Chicago Landmarks, including the Landmarks Ordinance, Permit Review schedule and guidelines, and the "U.S. Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings."
Plan Examination
The Department of Planning and Development reviews building permit applications to ensure plans are in compliance with the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Plumber License
Important information about City of Chicago plumber licenses
Plumbing Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago plumbing contractor licenses
Porch and Deck Safety
Safety information for residential porches and decks
Post Employment Restrictions
The Governmental Ethics Ordinance, Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, contains post-employment restrictions that apply to all former employees and officials of the City.
Pre-2019 Chicago Building Code
Reference copies of Title 13 and Title 15 of the Municipal Code as of July 31, 2020
Requirements for Electric Vehicle Readiness
A summary of requirements related to electric vehicle readiness when obtaining a building permit
Residential Real Estate Developer (Regulated Business) License
Important information about City of Chicago residential real estate developer licenses, a type of regulated business license
Resolution to Amend the Rules and Regulations of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks
Resolution to Amend the Rules and Regulations of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks information.
Revision Permits
Requirements for permitting a revision after a building permit has been issued.
Roof-Top Water Tank
Roof top water tanks are regulated by the Department of Buildings.
Sandblasting, Grinding, and Chemical Washing
A permit is required for sandblasting, grinding, or chemical washing of any building, facility, statue, or other architectural surface. This permit, called an Architectural Surface Cleaning Permit, is issued by the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and is separate from any construction or renovation permit issued by the Department of Buildings.
Settlement and Mediation of Discrimination Cases
The Commission on Human Relations receives, investigates, and rules on discrimination complaints filed under the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance.
Smoke Alarms for Your Home
Smoke alarms help to keep you safe from fire at home. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast. Smoke alarms provide an early warning. Learn more about smoke alarms for your home.
South Shore Corridor Study
The South Shore Corridor Study, adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission in May 2020, provides for a series of 10 "ideas for action" to build on the strength of 75th Street and 79th Street from Stony Island to the lakefront.
Stationary Engineer License
Important information about City of Chicago stationary engineer licenses.
Structural Peer Review Program
The Structural Peer Review Program is designed to expedite the permit process by reducing the time and effort required for conventional structural plan examination by Department of Buildings personnel.
Supervising Electrician License
Important information about City of Chicago supervising electrician licenses
Supervising Elevator Mechanic License
Important information about City of Chicago supervising elevator mechanic licenses
Sustainable Development Form
A form for developers to use for each project that must comply with the Chicago Sustainable Development Policy.
TIF District Redevelopment Plans
The links below provide the histories, goals and eligible redevelopment expenses for the City of Chicago's TIF districts.
Trade License Renewal Instructions
Online license renewal instructions for supervising electricians, electrical contractors, mason contractors, plumber's apprentices, plumbers, and plumbing contractors.
Upper Kitchen Cabinetry Equivalent Facilitation Letter (2017-2019)
MOPD’s Accessibility Compliance Unit has made the following determination of equivalent facilitation. Please see page for information.
WIA Workforce Center for Business Locations
The Workforce Centers for Businesses focus on assisting employers with their workforce development and staffing needs. The centers target employers representing industries including manufacturing, hospitality and tourism, retail and a range of customer service operations. Center staff will assess the employer’s workforce needs, including the identification of skill gaps or critical skills shortages in their current workforce.
Water Well Survey
In 2007, the former Department of Environment (DOE) conducted a potable well survey to determine if active potable wells exist in and nearby the city limits. Information was obtained from the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) regarding all confirmed records of wells installed within the City limits of Chicago and 200 feet beyond.
West Loop Design Guidelines
In 2017, DPD developed design guidelines to foster excellence in design within the West Loop. As the West Loop has evolved, the City of Chicago has undertaken planning efforts to encourage the thoughtful re-development of this area.
West Loop Resource Guide
To better guide the development of the West Loop, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) has gathered maps, plans, ongoing initiatives, and other resources in one place for easier access.
Wild Mile Chicago
Wild Mile Chicago is a planned floating eco-park located on the North Branch Canal of the Chicago River, a manmade channel along the east side of Goose Island between Chicago Avenue and North Avenue.
Woodlawn Community Development
The City of Chicago, through its Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and Department of Housing (DOH), is engaged with the Woodlawn community in several ways in order to steer and manage development related to, and driven by, larger investments in the neighborhood, particularly the Obama Presidential Center and the University of Chicago.
ZBA Resolutions - 1982-Present
An archive of decisions made by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Department of Planning and Development from 1982 to the present.
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals reviews land use issues that pertain to the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, including proposed variations from the zoning code, special uses that require review to determine compatibility with adjacent properties, and appeals of decisions made by the Zoning Administrator.