I Want To...
- AIC (Annual Inspection Certification) Inspections
- Abandoned Vehicle
- Alley Lights Out
- Alley Pothole
- Animal Carcass, Dead Animal, Rodent Control
- Bulk Sales Notice
- Business Taxes
- Complaint about City-Licensed Contractor
- Dead or Damaged Trees
- Discrimination Complaint
- Drug Trafficking
- Economic Disclosure, Affidavit, Online EDS
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Exposed Metal Condition Report
- Garbage Cart Stolen or Missing
- Illegal Fly Dumping, Trash Dumping
- Illegal Sale of Tobacco Products to a Youth
- Lobbyist
- Low Water Pressure
- Malfunctioning Traffic Signals or Traffic Light Outage
- Missing or Damaged Sign
- Missing/Damaged One Way Sign
- Missing/Damaged Stop Sign
- MyDec - Real Property Transfer Tax
- Open or Damaged Hydrant
- Opioid Use
- Personnel Rule XXIX Disclosure Form
- Pothole in the Street
- Pushcart Food Vendor
- Rodent Baiting, Rodent Control
- SRO Information
- Sanitation Code Violation
- Snow on Sidewalks Or Bike Lane
- Standing Water
- Statement of Financial Interests form
- Stray Animals and Lost Pets
- Street Light Out
- Street Light Pole Damaged
- Street Light Pole Door Missing
- Street Lights On Days
- Tree Insects; Pests
- Vacant Lot
- Viaduct Outage
- Water in Basement
- Water in the Street