Statement of Financial Interests: Forms, Links and Information
View 2023 Statements Filed by Members of the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA)
Ethics Forms Filed by 2023 Election Candidates
Ethics Forms Filed by 2019 Election Candidates
The Governmental Ethics Ordinance requires certain City employees and officials to file a 2025 Statement of Financial Interests by 11:59:59 pm May 1, 2025. On or about March 1, 2025, the Board will send notice to all City employees and officials who, City records show, are required to file them with the Board by this May 1 deadline.
Some City employees and officials will not be required to file a Statement of Financial Interests at this time, but may be hired or receive a title change or appointment later in the year that makes them required to file. They must file within 30 days of that change or event and will receive notification once they are identified by their department or appointing authority.
1. City law (Section 2-156-150(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago) requires that the following persons file 2024 Statement of Financial Interests be filed with the Board of Ethics:
*City Elected officials
*Department or agency heads
*Deputy and assistant commissioners or directors
*Police Department personnel with the rank of Lieutenant and above, and Shakman-exempt civilians
*Fire Department personnel with the rank of Battalion Chief and above, and Shakman-exempt civilians
*Chief financial and accounting directors
*Chief grant coordinators or program managers
*Employees with policy-making authority
*Employees with decision-making responsibilities for negotiating, authorizing or approving the performance of City contracts, leases or land use applications
*Employees who are responsible for inspecting or licensing any person or entity
*Employees whose primary duty is to invest public funds
*Employees who direct, supervise or manage 20 or more other City employees
*Each Mayor’s Office employee who is not solely clerical
*Each City Council employee who is not solely clerical
*Each City Council independent contractor, as defined in §2-156-010(d-2) of the Municipal Code of Chicago,
*Each person who qualifies as a candidate for elected City office
*Each appointed official, except a member of a board or commission that is solely advisory and has no authority to make biding decisions, to enter into contracts or to make expenditures (other than expenditures necessarily incurred for research in connection with its advisory function). For a list of boards and commissions whose members must file, please click here. For a list of boards and commissions whose members are not required to file, click here.
2. Failure to file a Statement before 11:59:59 PM May 1, 2025 for those required to file by that date constitutes a violation of City law.
The Ethics Ordinance provides for serious penalties for those found to have filed late: (1) violators will be subject to fines of $250 for each day their violation continues; (2) the Board shall make their names and violations public; and (3) employees who violate this law are subject to employment sanctions, up to and including discharge, and officials who violate this law are subject to removal from office.
The Board of Ethics will not accept incomplete forms.
Filers may use the Board’s EFIS system to file on-line, using a secure, password protected site, or they may file on paper, using the .pdf form which will be available for printing from this website on or after March 1, 2025.
All filed forms are posted on the Board’s website as soon as possible after filing. The website has forms filed since 2018. To search them, please go to this link:
Forms filed in 2017 and before have been destroyed, per the Board’s document retention schedule with the Local Records Commission of Cook County and the State Archivist.