Central Area Plan
The product of a broad group of dedicated Chicago elected officials, government, business and civic leaders, the plan is the city’s response to the transformation of downtown Chicago in the 1990s. It details the Central Area’s potential for growth over the next two decades. As it is enacted, Chicago’s economic engine will be strengthened, it’s parks and open spaces will be expanded, and its rapid transit and roadway systems will be extended and improved. Download chapters and subjects below. Contents and Executive SummaryArea Development History and Expectations Physical and Economic Assessment Area Sub-sectors Vision and Guiding Themes Development Framework Transportation Transportation cont. Traffic Management Waterfronts and Open Spaces Waterfronts and Open Spaces cont. Waterfronts and Open Spaces cont. Waterfronts and Open Spaces cont. WWaterfronts and Open Spaces summary District Recommendations District Recommendations cont. District Recommendations cont. District Recommendations cont. Implementation Task Force Summaries