Supporting Information
2022 Cooling Ordinance
In June 2022, the Chicago City Council adopted an ordinance requiring certain new and existing residential buildings to install air conditioning equipment in common gathering areas and make these areas available to residents as cooling centers when the outdoor heat index exceeds 80°F.
A Guide for MOPD's Language Access Policy
MOPD's Language Access Policy
Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program (ANLAP)
The Adjacent neighbors Land Acquisition Program (ANLAP) enables homeowners in certain areas of Chicago to purchase vacant, city-owned lots for less than market value.
Age-Friendly Chicago
In July 2012, Mayor Rahm Emanuel secured a place for Chicago in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities. As a part of the WHO network, Chicago joins a growing number of cities and communities worldwide who are striving to better meet the needs of residents of all ages by creating inclusive and accessible urban environments.
Breast is Best
I pledge to give my baby the very best...breastmilk.
CDFSS Participation Card
When a Chicago resident, 60 and better, visits a regional or satellite senior center or a Golden Diners site, they will be given an opportunity to receive a free photo identification card.
CDPH Immunization Clinics
Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) Fast Track immunization clinics provide vaccinations at no charge for children 0 through 18 years of age.
Chicago Farmers Markets
ChicagoFarmers Markets sell fresh seasonal produce, flowers, prepared foods, unique Chicago-made products and rare finds – at Chicago’s longest running farmers market on Daley Plaza, the historic Maxwell Street Market and a dozen more community markets in neighborhoods across Chicago.
Chicago Fitness Plus Community Locations
Chicago Fitness Plus Community Exercise Classes are offered at 30 locations throughout the City. Each class lasts approximately 45 minutes.
Chicago Fitness Plus Program
The Chicago Department of Family & Support Services (DFSS) and Alliance Rehab, Inc. have created an award winning fitness program that is not only fun, affordable and accessible, but one that concentrates on the key components to a healthy and independent lifestyle:endurance, strength, balance and flexibility.
Chicago Fitness Plus Regional Center Fitness Programming
Exercise classes are offered in the Regional and Satellite Centers as well as in Community Sites located throughout the city.
Chicago Releases Three Year Prostitution Study
The Chicago Intersystem Assessment Work Group released a three year study on prostitution for government, non-profit, law enforcement and social service organizations.
Chicago Reports on City's Response to Domestic Violence
The Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence (MODV) and the City of Chicago’s Domestic Violence Advocacy Coordinating Council (DVACC) today released a groundbreaking, book-length assessment describing every level of Government, not-for-profit and private response to domestic violence.
Child Abuse and Neglect
Information on Child Abuse and Neglect.
Childhood Exposure to Violence (CEV)
This 5-module curriculum that focuses on building a community response to Childhood Exposure to Violence helps participants define Childhood Exposure to Violence, recognize the symptoms/behaviors a child may exhibit, and what can be done to respond appropriately when a child has been exposed to violence.
Children Services Delegate Agency Site Locations
Children Services Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.
Results for the quarterly monitoring for chromium-6 in the raw and finished tap water for Chicago Illinois
City of Chicago VAWA Emergency Transfer Plan for Residents of HUD-Funded Housing Programs
The City of Chicago, through the Department of Family and Support Services, the Department of Public Health and the Department of Planning and Development, is required by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) to develop a plan for individuals who 1) live in eligible housing that is supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) and 2) have experienced domestic violence.
Citywide 2025 Water Service Price Schedule
The water service price schedule for water billing rates.
Commitment To Outcomes
The Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) has worked with its partners and stakeholders to develop a Strategic Framework – an approach that will transition DFSS to a more outcome-oriented model that focuses on how many people leave better off after receiving DFSS’ services, versus how many people walk through the door.
Community Action for Domestic Violence
Recognize that domestic violence has a serious and negative impact on the quality of life in our city. It is everybody's business.
Community Service Centers
Community Service Centers are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. City residents who need assistance can drop in or schedule an appointment in advance.
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Resource Documents
The Chicago Department of Family & Supports Services has compiled a collection of resource documents, specific to the implementation of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funded Programs.
Archived Coverage of DFSS Initiatives
Division on Domestic Violence Delegate Agency Site Locations
Division on Domestic Violence Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.
Domestic Violence 2005 - 2013 Help Line Reports
The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services’ (DFSS) Division on Domestic Violence released the 2010 call volume data for the City’s Domestic Violence Help Line.
Domestic Violence 2009 - 2011 Service Evaluation Reports
The Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) Domestic Violence Service Evaluation Report examines satisfaction and outcome findings of the FVPI and offers important programmatic recommendations.
Domestic Violence Annual Reports
Select from the system’s list below to access links to existing annual reports containing Illinois domestic violence victim information.
Domestic Violence Special Publications
ILDVDI Customized reports are typically produced once and typically reflect a “unique” exploration. Formats include, research studies, reports to community, special reports, newspaper articles, etc.
Elder Abuse Information
Elder abuse affects thousands of Illinois senior citizens every year. As a result of the abuse, these victims experience severe neglect and extreme feelings of fear and loneliness. As members of the community it is our obligation to raise awareness and reach out to this often isolated group of victims.
Family Violence 2016 Prevention Initiative Survey Documents
The Division on Domestic Violence conducts assessments of its Family Violence Prevention Initiative (FVPI) funded programs.
Federal Priorities
Plan 2.0 is aligned with the direction of two key federal actions – the federal strategic plan to end homelessness and the passage of the HEARTH Act. In 2010, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) released Opening Doors, the federal strategic plan to end homelessness.
Food Establishment Signs, Regulations & Forms
Food Establishment Signs, Regulations and Forms
Food and Nutritional Information
The Chicago Department of Public Health encourages everyone to include healthy foods from all food groups to "Get Your Plate in Shape."
Gear Up Get Ready: Private Sector Emergency Preparedness Resource Guide
This Private Sector Emergency Preparedness Resource Guide (Guide) is designed to help businesses (large and small), non-profits, faith-based organizations and other non-governmental entities prepare for emergencies.
General Facts About Domestic Violence
Some general facts to know about Domestic Violence.
Golden Diners Program
Many older adults do not want to eat alone. The Golden Diners Program offers them a way to get a healthy meal each day and enjoy the company of friends. Hot, nutritious lunches are served to older adults (over 60 years of age) at nearly 70 community sites each weekday throughout Chicago.
HIV Public Awareness Campaign
To learn more about free HIV testing or to find an HIV testing location near you, call 1-800-AID-AIDS (243-2437).
Healing Arts Chicago
The Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events and the Chicago Department of Public Health announce Healing Arts Chicago, a new program offering free arts services to support mental health and wellness at the City’s Mental Health Centers year-round.
Help In Your Home
Health services provided for seniors in their homes.
Home Delivered Meals
This program provides nutritious meals to older persons (60 years and older) who are frail and/or home bound because of illness or incapacitating disability or are otherwise isolated.
Hospital and Healthcare System Preparedness Program
CDPH receives funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Hospital Preparedness Program.
IDHS National Human Trafficking
The Illinois Department of Human Services introduces; Human Trafficking Protocol for Victims of slavery and human trafficking are protected under the United States and Illinois law
In-Home Assistive Devices
MOPD provides information and referrals to Chicago residents with personal devices or equipment that will assist them to become more independent in their home.
Individual, Family and Community Preparedness
There is never too much preparedness when it means saving a LIFE! You can cope with disaster by preparing in advance and by working with your family as a team. Preparation should include: getting informed (including a checklist), making a plan, assembling, and maintaining your plan and kit.
Individualized Needs Assessment
Individualized Needs Assessment empowers an individual with skills, education, motivation and support services needed to accomplish a healthy, more independent lifestyle.
Information for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
Exposure to Domestic Violence, either experienced directly or witnessed between caregivers can have a detrimental effect on children.
Information for Concerned Friends & Family Members
Every year, millions of domestic violence victims suffer from the horrors of abuse alone. Having been isolated by their abusers from friends and family, many are disconnected from sources of support, strength and safety. By reaching out to your friend or family member and breaking the silence, you can make a difference.
Information for Faith Leaders
A faith community has a responsibility to provide care for families in need. In addition, it exhorts society to share compassion and comfort with those afflicted by personal tragedy. Leaders of the faith community are encouraged to create a unified response to domestic violence.
Information for Health Care Professionals
In many instances health care professionals are the first to intervene after an abusive incident occurs. It is therefore crucial that appropriate intervention strategies be identified and implemented. By accurately assessing the cause of injury, providing necessary medical care, and offering referrals to community resources, health care professionals have the potential to be valuable sources of support. Leaders in the field have identified the following strategies to make interventions by health care professionals more effective.
Information for Legal Assistance
The Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA) provides strong legal help for victims of domestic violence within an Order of Protection (OP).
Information for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
It is important that as victims, survivors, family members, friends, religious leaders, employers, and community residents we recognize and address the needs of LGBT victims of domestic violence.
Information for Young Adults
Relationship violence occurs when one partner attempts to maintain power and control over the other. Research suggests that thousands of young adults are physically, emotionally and sexually abused by their dating partners every year.
Inter-Faith Leadership Advisory Committee
The Chicago Mayor's Office on Domestic Violence Interfaith Advisory Committee gathers together to create a unified and faithful response to Domestic Violence through prevention awareness, education, the creation of safe, healing and redemptive space, and resources with and for clergy, professionals, and lay leaders within all faith communities.
Long Term Care Facility Evacuation Training
Information on Collaborative Healthcare Urgency Group’s (CHUG) Evacuation Plan for all Long Term Care and Assisted Living Facilities in Chicago.
Medications for the Public During Public Health Emergencies
The Chicago Department of Public Health is the local agency responsible for distributing protective medication from the federal government’s national stockpile to Chicago residents in the event of a large-scale emergency or disaster.
Mental Health Centers
Mental Health Service is available at six CDPH Community Mental Health Centers
Partnership for Healthy Chicago
The Chicago Plan represents a health improvement plan for the City of Chicago that addresses key system issues. The strategies in the Plan bring together myriad public health stakeholders to coordinate their work and implement identified activities.
Partnerships To Reduce Homelessness
DFSS strives to align our core funding areas and system, policy, and planning initiatives with Plan 2.0 and federal strategic priorities. As a City department, DFSS has an additional responsibility to work with advocates, elected officials and concerned residents when they concerns about homelessness or homeless residents that they encounter.
Personal Assistance Programs
The Personal Assistance Program allows qualified individuals with disabilities who live in the city of Chicago and are under the age of 60 to receive in-home services.
Personal Finance Resource Directory
Various personal financial resources that are available.
Powerful Ways to Prevent Bullying
Every child has the right to be part of a family, a class, a school, and a community and to be accepted for who they are. This training presents important information to adults who may believe that bullying is a rite of passage or ‘normal’ for a child to experience- that it is a form of violence.
Preventing West Nile Virus
Stopping mosquitoes is the key to stopping West Nile virus. Limiting their habitat helps limit the spread of the virus.
Produce Mobiles Site Listing and Schedules
Produce Mobiles organizations service all clients regardless of where they live. Hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.
Public Health Emergency Training and Exercises
The Chicago Department of Public Health maintains a robust training and exercise program to test current emergency plans and to identify areas for improvement based on exercise objectives drawn from Homeland Security and Public Health Target Capabilities and Exercise Evaluation Guidelines based on the overall Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program.
Regional Center Information
Chicago ranks as unique for its neighborhood communities which reflect the cultural diversity of the City. These communities are represented by five regions: Northeast, Northwest, Central West, Southeast, and Southwest. The Chicago Department of Family & Support Services has built a senior center in each of the five regions of Chicago.
Reports - Help Line Zip Code Area Profiles
Chicago ZIP Code Area Profiles is the annual profile report of the characteristics of victim callers to the Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line. On a yearly basis, the Help Line answers over 20,000 calls from persons in the Chicago area.
Research, Reports and Data Resources
The following links represent a selection of resources that provide research and analysis as well as data that can be manipulated and is often downloadable, searchable, and/or customizable.
Ryan White Service Standards (Quality Management)
QM Standards of Care 2010
Safety Planning
The most dangerous time for many victims of domestic violence is when they are thinking about or actively trying to end the relationship. A personal safety plan is a way for you to identify strategies to protect yourself during this dangerous time.
Satellite Center Information
The satellite senior centers, part of the Mayor’s vision to keep Chicago’s neighborhoods active, accessible and affordable for Chicago’s senior population, provide services, programs and activities closer to seniors on the neighborhood level.
Senior Ambassador Program
By agreeing to be a Senior Safety Ambassador, you will be providing a valuable service to your older adult peers. This guide contains useful information regarding crime prevention, emergency preparedness and home safety that can help all of Chicago’s older adults live free from fear and injury during their golden years.
Senior Services Delegate Agency Site Locations
Senior Services Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.
Services Division Portfolio and Strategies
The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) Senior Services Division is the City of Chicago’s lead agency for older adults and serves as the local Area Agency on Aging as designated by the Illinois Department on Aging. DFSS/Chicago Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is part of a national network of services and programs that protect the rights and support the needs of the nation’s seniors.
Summary of Youth Services
Here is some background information on the services provided by the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services Youth Services Division:
Support Groups for Older Relatives Raising Children
The Chicago Department of Family & Support Services is mindful that throughout Chicago, an ever growing number of people are devoting themselves to the daily care of loved ones. Whether the role of caregiver comes gradually, or through a sudden crisis, caregivers need somewhere to turn. That is why the Chicago Department of Family & Support Services has expanded our Caregiver Support Program to meet the essential needs of family caregivers.
Teen Dating Violence Prevention
The Chicago Department of Public Health Office of Violence Prevention is working to raise awareness about Teen Dating Violence (TDV).
Vaccines for Children Program (VFC)
Chicago Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program supplies all routine childhood vaccines to enrolled health care providers, public and private.
WIC Clinics
A listing of WIC facilities.
Water Quality Reports
Get Water Quality Reports from years 2005 to 2022
Water Quality Results and Reports
The results and reports about the quality of Chicago drinking water.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence occurs when one partner uses physical, emotional, sexual and/or financial abuse to maintain power and control over the other.
What is a Public Health Emergency?
A public health emergency is any adverse event (natural or man-made) that compromises the health of the population and has the potential to cause widespread illness
Youth Division 2019 Program Portfolio and Strategies
The DFSS Youth Services Division designs and funds programs and initiatives that leverage the assets and strengths of youth in the city of Chicago to support their growth, development and success.
Youth Services Delegate Agency Site Locations
Youth Services Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.