Hospital and Healthcare System Preparedness Program

CDPH receives funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). The funding provided through the HPP is for activities that include, but are not limited to, exercising and improving preparedness plans for all-hazards emergencies, including pandemic influenza, increasing the ability of healthcare systems to provide needed beds, engage with other responders through interoperable communication systems, track bed and resource availability using electronic systems, develop systems for healthcare volunteers, protect healthcare workers with proper equipment, provide decontamination to affected patients, enable partnerships/coalitions, educate and train healthcare workers, enhance fatality management and healthcare system evacuation/shelter in place plans, and coordinate regional exercises.

CDPH and its healthcare system partners conduct the work of the HPP via the Chicago Health System Coalition for Preparedness and Response (CHSCPR), which is made up of hospitals, public health, emergency medical services (EMS), long-term care and others. The Coalition structure provides a functioning process that is inclusive of the needs of all partners within the Chicago healthcare delivery system. The CHSCPR has organized its work around a number of sub-committees, most of which mirror the ASPR’s Level 1 and Level 2 sub-capabilities. Each committee is chaired/co-chaired by representatives from hospitals, EMS or other partner agencies and each committee has been working to ensure that work is undertaken toward the goal of achieving fulfillment of the ASPR requirements and expectations relevant to each specific committee.

The CHSCPR works to build capacity across the Chicago healthcare delivery system within the following capabilities:

Level One: 

  • Interoperable Communication Systems
  • Bed Availability/Tracking
  • Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals [ESAR-VHP]  known in Illinois as Illinois Helps (
  • Medical Evacuation/Shelter in Place

Level Two: 

  • Alternate Care Site Planning
  • Resource Development (PPE, Pharmaceuticals, Supplies, Equipment)
  • Medical Reserve Corps Development

Overarching Requirements: 

  • National Incident Management System Adoption
  • Needs of Vulnerable and At-risk Populations
  • Preparedness Education and Training
  • Exercises, Evaluation and Corrective Actions

Chicago Health System Coalition for Preparedness and Response (CHSCPR) Educational Calendar - Educational sessions for hospitals and health care personnel.

Long Term Care (LTC) Facilities Master Training Program