Supporting Information
2022 Cooling Ordinance
In June 2022, the Chicago City Council adopted an ordinance requiring certain new and existing residential buildings to install air conditioning equipment in common gathering areas and make these areas available to residents as cooling centers when the outdoor heat index exceeds 80°F.
Alternative Code Approval Request (ACAR) Process
The Alternative Code Approval Request (ACAR) process provides a uniform procedure for State-licensed design professionals and city-licensed or registered contractors and trade professionals to request project-specific approvals explicitly required by the Chicago Construction Codes or project-specific modifications of code requirements. In limited cases, building owners may also submit such requests.
Ambulance License
An Ambulance license is required for any specially designed and equipped motor vehicle operated for the purpose of transporting and offering life support services to patients.
Apprentice Crane Operator License
Important information about City of Chicago apprentice crane operator licenses
Apprentice Plumber License
Important information about City of Chicago apprentice plumber licenses
Basics of the 2019 Chicago Construction Codes - July 2020
Materials for Basics of the 2019 Chicago Construction Codes Training Program, July 24, 2020
Basics of the 2019 Chicago Construction Codes - October 2020
Materials for Basics of the 2019 Chicago Construction Codes Training Program, October 15, 2020
Bicycle Messenger License
A Bicycle Messenger Service License is required for companies that operate bicycle messenger services in the City of Chicago Central Business District. The license is issued at the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection office located at 2350 W. Ogden Avenue, First Floor.
Board-up Company (Regulated Business) License
Important information about City of Chicago board-up company licenses, a type of regulated business license
Building Permit Online Application Instructions
Instructions for starting a building permit application online in the Dynamic Portal for work under the 2019 Chicago Construction Codes.
Building Permit Inspection Videos
A series of videos to show residents and business owners what an inspection looks like.
Business License Forms
Business License Forms
Cannabis Zoning Ordinance
The Cannabis Zoning Ordinance, approved by City Council in October 2019, regulates where new adult use recreational cannabis dispensaries may open in the City of Chicago.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms for Your Home
Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that can kill you. Carbon monoxide alarms help to protect you and your family from this invisible threat. Learn more about carbon monoxide alarms for your home.
Certificates of Occupancy
A Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Department of Buildings to certify that residential buildings with 4 or more units and larger non-residential buildings conform to the requirements of the Chicago Building Code.
Certified Plan Corrections
To allow for a shorter, simpler and more efficient building permit process, all Standard Plan Review building permit applications must use the Certified Plan Corrections program to address most types of plan review corrections issued by the Department of Buildings after a full review.
Chicago Energy Transformation Code
The 2022 Chicago Energy Transformation Code is based on the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code. All plan-based building permit applications must be accompanied by a compliance statement, prepared by a licensed design professional, documenting how applicable energy conservation requirements are met.
Chicago Heat Ordinance
The Department of Buildings enforces the Chicago Minimum Requirements for Existing Buildings, which includes the Chicago Heat Ordinance (Section 14X-8-803 of the Municipal Code). The Heat Ordinance applies to both homes and workspaces.
Child Window Safety
Too often, children are seriously injured or killed as a result of falling from a window. There are basic steps you can take to help make sure children are protected from window falls.
City-County Collaboration on Cigarette Investigations
City-County Collaboration on Cigarette Investigations
Clean Indoor Air Ordinance
Find information on the Clean Indoor Air Ordinance including where smoking is prohibited.
Crane Operator License
Important information about City of Chicago crane operator licenses
Drain Layer Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago drain layer contractor licenses
Electrical Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago electrical contractor licenses
Elevator Mechanic Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago elevator mechanic contractor licenses
Filling Station Rules and Regulations
The Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) is pleased to present the draft of its newly updated Filling Station Rules and Regulations. This document consolidates and modernizes the three sets of rules that have been in effect over the past several decades.
General Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago general contractor licenses
Home Repair (Regulated Business) License
Important information about City of Chicago home repair licenses, a type of regulated business license
Illegal Conversions
An Illegal Conversion is the addition of a separate dwelling unit above the number of residential units designated for that residential property in the Certificate of Zoning Compliance.
Illinois-licensed Private Alarm Contractors
Important information about how Illinois-licensed private alarm contractors and private alarm contractor agencies can apply for (or be listed on) permits in the City of Chicago
License Application Requirements Information
Information resource for standard business license application requirements.
License Reform Information
Information resource list for the business license reform ordinance.
Mason Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago mason contractor licenses
Mobile Food Truck Licenses
Mayor Emanuel introduced an ordinance passed by the City Council to expand mobile food vehicle operations in neighborhoods across Chicago.
Modernizing Chicago's Construction Codes
The City of Chicago is in the middle of a multi-year effort to realign Chicago’s construction codes, based on widely-used model construction codes, while maintaining longstanding requirements that are well-adapted to local conditions. The current effort began in 2015 and is planned for completion in 2023.
Navy Pier Kiosk License
A Navy Pier Vendor license is required for businesses located at Navy Pier engaged in sales of merchandise or food on indoor and/or outdoor pushcarts/kiosks, which are stationary and in the designated space as per the vendor's lease agreement with Navy Pier.
Older Code Interpretations and Memos
Building code clarifications, interpretations and memoranda issued in 2017 and earlier. For current guidance, please visit the building code interpretation page.
A pedicab is a human pedal-powered public passenger vehicle used to transport passengers for hire. A pedicab chauffeur is the person that drives or peddles and controls the direction and steering of the pedicab.
Pharmaceutical Representative Licensing
A “Pharmaceutical Representative” (MCC 4-6-310) – is a person who markets or promotes pharmaceuticals to health care professionals while both are within the City of Chicago for more than fifteen calendar days per year. Exemptions include: Medical Science Liaisons, Wholesale Distributors, and pharmaceutical representative managers or supervisors who do not interact directly with health care professionals while in the City of Chicago.
Plumber License
Important information about City of Chicago plumber licenses
Plumbing Contractor License
Important information about City of Chicago plumbing contractor licenses
Porch and Deck Safety
Safety information for residential porches and decks
Pre-2019 Chicago Building Code
Reference copies of Title 13 and Title 15 of the Municipal Code as of July 31, 2020
Requirements for Electric Vehicle Readiness
A summary of requirements related to electric vehicle readiness when obtaining a building permit
Residential Real Estate Developer (Regulated Business) License
Important information about City of Chicago residential real estate developer licenses, a type of regulated business license
Revision Permits
Requirements for permitting a revision after a building permit has been issued.
Roof-Top Water Tank
Roof top water tanks are regulated by the Department of Buildings.
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulation - Business Affairs and Consumer Protection
Sandblasting, Grinding, and Chemical Washing
A permit is required for sandblasting, grinding, or chemical washing of any building, facility, statue, or other architectural surface. This permit, called an Architectural Surface Cleaning Permit, is issued by the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and is separate from any construction or renovation permit issued by the Department of Buildings.
Scaffolding Information
Scaffolding Information
Self-Certification Training Program - 2019
Materials for Self-Certification Professional Training Program, December 2-4, 2019
Sidewalk Café Current Permits
Listing of currently permitted sidewalk cafés in the City of Chicago. Sidewalk Café Permits are issued by the Public Way Use Unit of BACP at the Small Business Center (SBC) located in City Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street, Room 800. To obtain a public way use permit, please contact us at 312.744.6249 (744-6249).
Smoke Alarms for Your Home
Smoke alarms help to keep you safe from fire at home. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast. Smoke alarms provide an early warning. Learn more about smoke alarms for your home.
Special Events Permit Application
The City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) processes Special Events applications for outdoor festivals, street and art/craft fairs and athletic events.
Special Events Resource Guide
Download the 2024 Special Events Resource Guide.
Stationary Engineer License
Important information about City of Chicago stationary engineer licenses.
Structural Peer Review Program
The Structural Peer Review Program is designed to expedite the permit process by reducing the time and effort required for conventional structural plan examination by Department of Buildings personnel.
Supervising Electrician License
Important information about City of Chicago supervising electrician licenses
Supervising Elevator Mechanic License
Important information about City of Chicago supervising elevator mechanic licenses
Tax Preparer Business Information
Tax Preparation businesses are required to prepare and submit a Disclosure Form pursuant to Municipal Code 4-44-030[1].
Temporary Animal Exhibition Permits
Effective January 1, 2013, all Animal Exhibitions, 30 days or less, will no longer require an Animal Care License issued by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection. Instead, Temporary Animal Exhibitions will require a permit issued by the Chicago Commission on Animal Care and Control (CACC)
Temporary Outdoor Stage Permitting Procedures
A summary of permitting procedures and requirements for stages that will be temporary (installed at the same location for 180 days or less)
Temporary Tent Permitting Procedures
A summary of permitting procedures and requirements for tents that will be temporary (installed at the same location for 180 days or less)
Trade License Renewal Instructions
Online license renewal instructions for supervising electricians, electrical contractors, mason contractors, plumber's apprentices, plumbers, and plumbing contractors.
Upper Kitchen Cabinetry Equivalent Facilitation Letter (2017-2019)
MOPD’s Accessibility Compliance Unit has made the following determination of equivalent facilitation. Please see page for information.
Vacant Building De-Registration Process
City of Chicago Vacant Building De-Registration Process
Valet Operator
All Valet Parking Operator business license applications and communications will now be processed at the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection’s “Small Business Center” located at City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle Street, Room 800. Valet Parking Operator Licenses will no longer be accepted, transacted or processed at 2350 W Ogden.
Water Taxis/Tour Boats - Commercial Passenger Vessels
"Commercial Passenger Vessel" is any boat that carries passengers for hire including but not limited to a water taxi, tour boat, charter boat cruise, dinner, excursion, ferry, harbor tender, fishing or diving boats. The license is issued at the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection office located at 2350 W. Ogden Avenue, 1st floor.
West Loop Design Guidelines
In 2017, DPD developed design guidelines to foster excellence in design within the West Loop. As the West Loop has evolved, the City of Chicago has undertaken planning efforts to encourage the thoughtful re-development of this area.
What to Expect During A Tobacco Investigation
Find information on what to expect during a tobacco investigation including what an investigator checks to ensure that the business is in compliance with all the tobacco-related ordinances.
Wholesale Tobacco Dealer Requirements
“Wholesale Tobacco dealer” means any person making, manufacturing or jobbing cigars, or selling, offering for sale, exposing for sale, or keeping with the intention of selling or exchanging or delivering at wholesale, any tobacco, snuff, cigars, cigarettes or cigarette papers, including leaf tobacco or any preparations containing tobacco.