Wholesale Tobacco Dealer Requirements
“Wholesale Tobacco Dealer” means any person making, manufacturing or jobbing cigars, or selling, offering for sale, exposing for sale, or keeping with the intention of selling or exchanging or delivering at wholesale, any tobacco, snuff, cigars, cigarettes or cigarette papers, including leaf tobacco or any preparations containing tobacco.
A Wholesale Tobacco Dealer:
• must obtain a current license for each wholesale establishment.
• must not sell at retail; wholesale transactions only.
• must ensure all sales of wholesale tobacco products are made to licensed retailers.
• must not deliberately conceal illegal tobacco products.
• must keep a detailed book (in English) of all tobacco transactions available for inspection. The book shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any BACP official.
Information in the book shall include:
• the name and residential or business address of the purchaser and the date of the transaction;
• the invoice number;
• the City Retail Tobacco Dealer's license number of the purchaser; and
• a description of the cigarettes sold.
Any Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, whether located within City of Chicago limits or not, that sells tobacco products to a City of Chicago Retail Tobacco Dealer is required to have a Wholesale Tobacco Dealer license.