Valet Operator


“Valet parking operator” means a person who employs one or more attendants for the purpose of providing a valet parking service or who contracts his own services, but not in the capacity of employee, to any business establishment, for the purpose of providing a valet parking service to such establishment.

“Valet parking service” means a parking service provided to accommodate patrons of any business establishment, which service is incidental to the business of the establishment and by which an attendant on behalf of the establishment takes temporary custody of the patrons’ motor vehicle and moves, parks, stores or retrieves the vehicle for the patrons’ convenience.


License Requirements

In order to maintain and/or apply for a Valet Parking Operator business license(s), you will be required to submit a business license application packet for each operating legal entity and meet with a “Small Business Center” representative for processing. Valet Parking Operator business license packet submission requirements:

• A completed Business Information Sheet for each legal entity

• Certificate of Insurance for the location being served. The required minimum insurance coverage amounts are $1,000,000 per occurrence for public liability, $1,000,000 per occurrence for property damage, and $1,000,000 per occurrence for garage keeper’s legal liability

• Proof of Loading Zone: Applicants should either have (1) a current loading zone installed in the place of business or (2) a letter from the local Alderman approving the location to have a loading zone sign installed, indicating what date the loading zone sign will be introduced as an ordinance to the Chicago City Council for approval.

• Corporate Articles and Minutes

• A valid lease for or proof of ownership of the required off-street parking (in a lot or garage). Valet parking operators are required to provide off street parking for 15% of the occupancy of the business.

• Application fee: $600 per location

• License term: July 1 – June 30


Valets must adhere to all valet operator license requirements including:

1) Placing a placard on the dashboard of valeted vehicles stating “This Vehicle Parked By (valet parking operator) For Customer Of (business establishment)”

2) Issuing a numbered receipt to each patron with the valet operator’s name, address, phone, valet charge, time and date, vehicle license plate, and a statement that the valet operator holds required insurance

3) Parking cars only at the legal parking sites specified in your valet operator license

4) Ensuring that all valet parking attendants have the insignia of the valet operator clearly visible on their clothing


Safety Tips:

1) Do not leave keys in cars.

2) Valets should advise clients not to leave wallets, cash or any other valuables in their cars.

3) Valets should always lock their key boxes.

4) In case of emergency, call 911.


Ready to Apply?

You may apply for a license in person at the Small Business Center in City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle Street, Room 800.
For general licensing inquiries, call (312) 74-GOBIZ/(312) 744-6249.



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