Public Notices

Every employer must post in a conspicuous place at each facility located in the City of Chicago a notice advising the Covered Employee of:

  • Chicago Labor Laws (Minimum Wage, Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave, and Wage Theft)
  • Fair Workweek (if applicable)

With the first paycheck issued to a Covered Employee, and annually with a paycheck issued within 30 days of July 1st, every employer must provide a notice advising the Covered Employee of:

  • Chicago Labor Laws
  • Fair Workweek (if applicable)

Retaliation for filing a complaint with Office of Labor Standards is prohibited.

Employers that do not maintain a business facility within the geographic boundaries of the City and households that serve as the worksites for Domestic Workers are exempt from MCC 6-105-070(a) (the posting requirements).

View and download the Fair Work Week Notice and Chicago Labor Laws Public Notice below. 

Fair Work Week

Chicago Labor Laws (Minimum Wage, Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave, and Wage Theft)