Children Services
The Department of Family and Support Services, through the Children Services Division, is dedicated to helping Chicago's youngest residents make the most of their lives and potential. We manage Head Start, Early Head Start, child care and youth programs throughout Chicago. We work on behalf of families to ensure they receive quality programming.
Chicago Early Learning (CEL)
The City of Chicago is committed to providing children across the city with access to high-quality early learning through a comprehensive, citywide system of school- and community-based programs known as Chicago Early Learning.
Chicago Early Learning Request For Proposal (RFP)
Building on the strengths and power of the Head Start and Early-Head Start models and the track record of success they have for comprehensively supporting students, families, and communities, the City remains dedicated to providing high-quality early education to children through Chicago Early Learning.
Chicago PrE-Learning
Chicago PrE-Learning is an online education platform for early learners (from birth to age 5) to easily continue their education outside of the classroom and from the comfort of their home.
Infant/Toddler Programs
Provide families who are working or enrolled in school or training with quality programming for their youngest children.
Preschool Programs
Children exposed to early child care and education programs get the advantage they need to succeed in school and beyond. Making new friends or discovering new concepts are just some of the exciting encounters children have in early care.
School Age Programs
Out-of-school time is a crucial period for a young person's development. Then Chicago Department of Family and Support Services (FSS) funds organizations that provide a variety of fun, challenging and safe ways for young people to develop self-esteem, a sense of responsibility and life skills.
Department Main Office
Family & Support Services
Phone: 312.743.0300
Fax: 312.743.0400
Contact Us -
1615 W. Chicago Ave
5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60622-5127
Get Directions - Leadership
Maura McCauley
Acting Commissioner