Supporting Information
2022 Cooling Ordinance
In June 2022, the Chicago City Council adopted an ordinance requiring certain new and existing residential buildings to install air conditioning equipment in common gathering areas and make these areas available to residents as cooling centers when the outdoor heat index exceeds 80°F.
A Guide for MOPD's Language Access Policy
MOPD's Language Access Policy
Advocacy - Disability Resources
The Disability Resources Division provides Advocacy Services, which involves helping people with disabilities under the age of 60 resolve issues with other agencies.
CDPH Immunization Clinics
Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) Fast Track immunization clinics provide vaccinations at no charge for children 0 through 18 years of age.
Chicago Fitness Plus Regional Center Fitness Programming
Exercise classes are offered in the Regional and Satellite Centers as well as in Community Sites located throughout the city.
Child Abuse and Neglect
Information on Child Abuse and Neglect.
Childhood Exposure to Violence (CEV)
This 5-module curriculum that focuses on building a community response to Childhood Exposure to Violence helps participants define Childhood Exposure to Violence, recognize the symptoms/behaviors a child may exhibit, and what can be done to respond appropriately when a child has been exposed to violence.
Results for the quarterly monitoring for chromium-6 in the raw and finished tap water for Chicago Illinois
Cool Chi
The City of Chicago participates in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) community-led urban heat island mapping campaign, where volunteer resident scientists, working with the City and community-based organizations, will travel through predetermined routes in their neighborhoods in the morning, afternoon, and evening on one of the hottest days of the year with heat sensors mounted on their own cars.
DCASE Archived Newsletters
Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) archived newsletters.
Domestic Violence Annual Reports
Select from the system’s list below to access links to existing annual reports containing Illinois domestic violence victim information.
Elder Abuse Information
Elder abuse affects thousands of Illinois senior citizens every year. As a result of the abuse, these victims experience severe neglect and extreme feelings of fear and loneliness. As members of the community it is our obligation to raise awareness and reach out to this often isolated group of victims.
Emergency Preparedness for Pet Owners
Necessary precautionary steps in the case of floods, fires, blizzards, terrorism.
Food and Nutritional Information
The Chicago Department of Public Health encourages everyone to include healthy foods from all food groups to "Get Your Plate in Shape."
General Facts About Domestic Violence
Some general facts to know about Domestic Violence.
Healthy Chicago Podcast
The Healthy Chicago Podcast, a discussion between city medical professionals and weekly guests about topics affecting public health in the city of Chicago and the world.
Help In Your Home
Health services provided for seniors in their homes.
Historical Respiratory Virus Surveillance Reports
The Chicago Department of Public Health provides weekly reports that detail the current flu risk, which influenza strains are circulating, and where can you get more information. Beginning in December 2021, CDPH expanded laboratory surveillance to include other respiratory viruses besides influenza; the updated report is now called the Chicago Influenza and Respiratory Virus Surveillance Report.
Homeward Bound Animal Placement Program
Transferring animals to other State Licensed animal shelters or breed rescue groups often provides them a much better chance of being adopted than remaining at our shelter. Through the Homeward Bound Program, nearly 7,000 animals are transferred out to partnering shelters each year!
Human Service Delivery
Human Service Delivery is about people and partners.
IDHS National Human Trafficking
The Illinois Department of Human Services introduces; Human Trafficking Protocol for Victims of slavery and human trafficking are protected under the United States and Illinois law
Inclusive Terminology 101
The Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities provides information to print and broadcast reporters, students, disability organizations and the general public about terminology and portrayal issues concerning people with disabilities.
Individualized Needs Assessment
Individualized Needs Assessment empowers an individual with skills, education, motivation and support services needed to accomplish a healthy, more independent lifestyle.
Influenza Home
Flu is a contagious respiratory disease that can lead to serious illness, hospitalization, or even death. Most people with the flu have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs. Review these materials for recommendations on influenza treatment, testing, and vaccination.
Information for Faith Leaders
A faith community has a responsibility to provide care for families in need. In addition, it exhorts society to share compassion and comfort with those afflicted by personal tragedy. Leaders of the faith community are encouraged to create a unified response to domestic violence.
Information for Health Care Professionals
In many instances health care professionals are the first to intervene after an abusive incident occurs. It is therefore crucial that appropriate intervention strategies be identified and implemented. By accurately assessing the cause of injury, providing necessary medical care, and offering referrals to community resources, health care professionals have the potential to be valuable sources of support. Leaders in the field have identified the following strategies to make interventions by health care professionals more effective.
Inter-Faith Leadership Advisory Committee
The Chicago Mayor's Office on Domestic Violence Interfaith Advisory Committee gathers together to create a unified and faithful response to Domestic Violence through prevention awareness, education, the creation of safe, healing and redemptive space, and resources with and for clergy, professionals, and lay leaders within all faith communities.
Medical Reserve Corps
The national Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a volunteer group of both medical and non-medical professionals, organized on a local basis to help provide needed services to their communities during emergencies and disasters.
Mental Health Equity Initiative (MHEI) Network Dashboard
The Mental Health Equity Initiative (MHEI) initiative, launched in October 2020, operates and funds services provided by 5 CDPH mental health clinics and a robust network of mental health safety net providers. The MHEI initiative mobilizes diverse mental health providers to expand low-barrier, trauma-informed, and integrative outpatient mental health services to Chicagoans regardless of ability to pay, immigration status, or health insurance. Providers include Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that receive funds to implement service delivery models that expand allowable mental health service types in community areas of focus.
Mpox Home
The CDPH Mpox landing page, featuring the latest mpox data and information about mpox testing, prevention, vaccination, and treatment.
Mpox Resources
The CDPH Mpox Resources page features links to downloadable mpox guidance, mpox press releases, and media resources to download and share.
Mpox Symptoms & Treatment
CDPH Mpox testing and treatment, with information on the signs and symptoms of mpox, mpox testing availability, isolation guidance, and mpox treatment.
Non-Congregate Shelter Acquisition Program
The Non-Congregate Shelter Acquisition Program RFP is seeking proposals from shelter operators and service providers in need of non-congregate space.
OVP - About Us
The Office of Violence Prevention and Behavioral Health (OVPBH) works to reduce the likelihood of violence related injury and death and support trauma recovery and healing across Chicago communities.
Personal Assistance Programs
The Personal Assistance Program allows qualified individuals with disabilities who live in the city of Chicago and are under the age of 60 to receive in-home services.
Personal Finance Resource Directory
Various personal financial resources that are available.
Powerful Ways to Prevent Bullying
Every child has the right to be part of a family, a class, a school, and a community and to be accepted for who they are. This training presents important information to adults who may believe that bullying is a rite of passage or ‘normal’ for a child to experience- that it is a form of violence.
Preventing West Nile Virus
Stopping mosquitoes is the key to stopping West Nile virus. Limiting their habitat helps limit the spread of the virus.
Satellite Center Information
The satellite senior centers, part of the Mayor’s vision to keep Chicago’s neighborhoods active, accessible and affordable for Chicago’s senior population, provide services, programs and activities closer to seniors on the neighborhood level.
Summary of Youth Services
Here is some background information on the services provided by the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services Youth Services Division:
TSA Service Animal Expectation Document
Service animals are animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling wheelchairs, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, or performing other tasks.
Teen Dating Violence Prevention
The Chicago Department of Public Health Office of Violence Prevention is working to raise awareness about Teen Dating Violence (TDV).
Vending Machine PIN Request Form and Information
The Chicago Department of Public Health Harm Reduction vending machines offer harm reduction supplies at no cost, but you must have a PIN code to access these items. Simply follow the steps below to gain access to items in the machine.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence occurs when one partner uses physical, emotional, sexual and/or financial abuse to maintain power and control over the other.