Chore Services
The heavy-duty chore program is a one-time intensive cleaning service for seniors age 60 or older whose living conditions pose a threat to their health, safety and well-being. This can include trash removal, window and appliance cleaning, de-cluttering, moving heavy furniture, and packing. The short-term chore program assists seniors who need temporary assistance in the home due to illness, recent hospitalization, or life transitions to assist them the senior. Homeowners may be eligible for extermination services and seasonal yardwork such as lawncare, snow removal, gutter cleaning, and other related household tasks.
Download DFSS Caregiver Program Chore Services Flyer
Service Facts
Department Main Office
Family & Support Services
Phone: 312.743.0300
Fax: 312.743.0400
Contact Us -
1615 W. Chicago Ave
5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60622-5127
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Maura McCauley
Acting Commissioner