Supporting Information
A Plan for Economic Growth and Jobs
"A Plan for Economic Growth and Jobs" was created by World Business Chicago under the direction of Mayor Rahm Emanuel to leverage the the city's unique economic assets.
Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program (ANLAP)
The Adjacent Neighbors land Acquisition Program (ANLAP) enables homeowners in certain areas of Chicago to purchase vacant, city-owned lots for less than market value.
Belmont Triangle
Community-driven planning for the redevelopment of Avondale's "Belmont Triangle."
Business Improvement District (BID) Program
The Business Improvement District and Special Service Area programs fund expanded neighborhood services through localized revenues within contiguous geographic areas.
Chicago Development Fund
The Chicago Development Fund (CDF) is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, and has qualified as a Community Development Entity as defined by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund.
City-Owned Land Inventory
A Negotiated Sale is a process that facilitates the sale of City-owned properties. The City of Chicago makes real estate available for purchase and redevelopment, and the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is one of the City departments authorized to accept purchase applications.
Citywide Retail Market Analysis
This abbreviated version of the Citywide Retail Market Analysis includes 16 submarket profiles that represent Chicago’s neighborhood retail activity.
Community Development Commission
The Community Development Commission (CDC) was established by the Chicago City Council in 1992 to assume the duties of the former Commercial District Development Commission and the Department of Urban Renewal. The CDC reviews and recommends action on TIF-related matters. It is comprised of 15 members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council.
Corridor Ambassador program
The program helps community organizations to hire and train ambassadors that provide a visible, welcoming presence at neighborhood commercial centers.
Delegate Agency Documents
These are documents that are needed to complete the delegate agency contract process.
Economic Development Incentives
The department administers various business assistance programs for new and expanding companies.
Enterprise Zone Program
The Enterprise Zone Program provides state and city incentives to help local businesses expand. Enterprise zones are geographic areas designated by the city and certified by the state of Illinois to receive various tax incentives and other benefits.
Industrial Corridor Modernization Initiative
The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) initiated a public process in spring 2016 to refine land use policies for continued growth and private investment in the City’s Industrial Corridor system
Local Industrial Retention Initiative (LIRI)
A list of Local Industrial Retention Initiative (LIRI) Councils
Neighborhood Opportunity Fund
The Neighborhood Opportunity Fund has promoted equitable neighborhood development since its creation in 2016. The fund provides resources to encourage development in West, Southwest and South Side commercial corridors.
Opportunity Zones
The State of Illinois is participating in the Opportunity Zone program, offered through the Tax Cuts and Job Act signed into law on December 22, 2017.
Pershing Road RFP
Short-listed responses to the City's July 2022 Request for Proposals (RFP) for City-owned property at 1769 W. Pershing Road in McKinley Park.
Pershing Road RFP FAQ
Answers to frequently asked questions about the Pershing Road request for proposals.
Public Outdoor Plaza (POP!) program
The Department of Planning and Development's Public Outdoor Plaza (POP!) program is designed to help community-based organizations revitalize underutilized land along neighborhood retail corridors.
Qualified Investment Areas Criteria
The Qualified Investment Areas (QIAs) used by Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus programs were selected in 2016 by analysis of individual Census tract data from the previous four decades.
Requests for Proposals/Qualifications
Active Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for neighborhood redevelopment opportunities issued by the Department of Planning and Development.
Special Service Area (SSA) Provider List
List of Special Service Areas in Chicago
TIFWorks Program
TIFWorks is the primary workforce development initiative of the City of Chicago. Financed by Tax Increment Financing, the program trains new and existing workers in new fields of expertise.
Woodlawn Community Development
The City of Chicago, through its Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and Department of Housing (DOH), is engaged with the Woodlawn community in several ways in order to steer and manage development related to, and driven by, larger investments in the neighborhood, particularly the Obama Presidential Center and the University of Chicago.