Economic Development Incentives

As the City of Chicago’s lead economic development agency, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) administers numerous business assistance and financial incentive programs on behalf of local companies.

The programs and incentives are offered to commercial, retail, industrial, and non-profit organizations that are retaining and adding jobs for community residents. Assistance includes grants, tax reductions, loans, land-write downs, fee waivers and other forms of business aid. Program participation is subject to an application process to determine eligibility. Businesses are encouraged to review terms and conditions with program representatives prior to filing an application.

Class 6(b) Property Tax Incentive
The Class 6(b) program offers a 12-year reduction in real estate assessments from the standard Cook County industrial rate of 25 percent. Qualifying properties are assessed at 10 percent for the first 10 years, 15 percent for the 11th year and 20 percent for the 12th year.

Properties must be used for industrial purposes and involve:

  • New construction
  • Substantial rehabilitation
  • Re-occupancy of abandoned industrial property

Contact: or 312-744-0765
Apply for this incentive through Submittable. Qualifying applicants may also apply to renew their tax reduction for an additional 12 years.

Class 7(a) and 7(b) Property Tax Incentive
The Class 7(a) and 7(b) programs offer real estate tax incentives for commercial projects in specific areas. Qualifying properties can receive a 12-year reduction in real estate assessments from the standard Cook County commercial rate of 25 percent. Qualifying properties are assessed at 10 percent for the first 10 years, 15 percent for the 11th year and 20 percent for the 12th year.

The area must be a Redevelopment Area, Empowerment or Federal Enterprise Zone.

  • 7(a): Project costs less than $2 million
  • 7(b): Project costs more than $2 million

Contact: or 312-744-0765
Apply for this incentive through Submittable.    

Maps of eligible areas are available on the DPD website.

Class 7(c) Property Tax Incentive
The Class 7(c) Commercial Urban Eligibility (CURE) program offers real estate tax incentives for commercial properties regardless of where they are located. Qualifying properties can receive a five-year reduction in real estate assessments from the standard Cook County commercial rate of 25 percent with no minimum investment required. Qualified properties are assessed at 10 percent for the first three years, 15 percent for the fourth year and 20 percent for the fifth year.

Properties must involve:

  • New construction
  • Substantial rehabilitation
  • Re-occupancy of abandoned commercial property

Contact: or 312-744-0765
Apply for this incentive through Submittable.

Class 8 Property Tax Incentive
The Class 8 program offers reduced Cook County property tax rates on commercial and industrial projects in areas experiencing severe economic depression. Qualifying properties can receive a 12-year reduction in real estate assessments from the standard Cook County rate of 25 percent. Reduced rates are the same as the 6(b).

Contact: or 312-744-0765

Class C Property Tax Incentive
The Class C program offers reduced Cook County property tax rates on commercial and industrial properties that have substantial environmental contamination. Rates are the same as the 6(b). Remediation costs must exceed $100,000 or 25 percent of the property market value in the prior year.

Contact: or 312-744-0765
Apply for this incentive through Submittable.   

Class L Property Tax Incentive

The Class L program encourages rehabilitation of commercial, industrial, and multifamily properties that have been designated as official City landmarks or contributing buildings in designated landmark districts. Qualifying properties are assessed at 10 percent for the first 10 years, 15 percent for the 11th year and 20 percent for the 12th year.

Work must meet or exceed the U.S. Department of the Interior’s standards and be used for either:

  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Multifamily residential
  • Not-for-profit  purposes

Contact: 312-744-3238

Enterprise Zone Program
Businesses located within Chicago’s six enterprise zones are eligible for State of Illinois tax incentives, exemptions, and other benefits that stimulate economic activity. Existing Enterprise Zone businesses and businesses relocating to an Enterprise Zone can lower operating expenses and increase profits by taking advantage of the many tax incentives offered through the program.  Incentives include:

  • Combined Sales Tax Exemption (State, Cook County, City) of 9.25 percent for building materials.
  • Machinery and Equipment Consumables/Pollution Control Facilities Sales Tax Exemption: 6.25 percent for property to be used for manufacturing or in the operation of a pollution control facility.
  • Utility Tax Exemption: A state exemption on gas, electricity and the Illinois Commerce Commission’s administrative charge/telecommunication excise tax.
  • Investment Tax Credit: A state investment tax credit of 0.5 percent is allowed for machinery, equipment and buildings.
  • Dividend Income Deduction: Zero tax on dividend income from corporations doing substantially all their business in an Enterprise Zone.
  • Jobs Tax Credit: Allows a business a $500 credit on Illinois income taxes for each job created in the Zone for which a certified eligible worker is hired.
  • Interest Deduction: Financial institutions are not taxed on the interest received on loans for development within an Enterprise Zone.
  • Contribution Deduction: Double the value of a cash or in-kind contribution to an approved project of a designated Zone organization from taxable income.

Contact: 312-744-4389

Landmark Designation
Historic and architecturally significant buildings designated as official landmarks by the Chicago City Council are eligible for a variety of incentives that reduce operating costs. The incentives include  permit fee waivers and eligibility for property tax reductions and federal rehabilitation tax credits.

Contact: 312-744-3201

Local Industrial Retention Initiative (LIRI)
The LIRI program provides funding to not-for-profit organizations that provide economic development services to companies located in and around designated industrial corridors. LIRIs work toward job retention/creation, find solutions for individual business needs, make linkages between businesses and their communities, and coordinate City services.

Contact: 312-744-1867

Negotiated Sales Program
The Negotiated Sales program arranges the sale of City-owned properties for redevelopment. Properties in the department’s inventory consist of vacant residential, commercial, and industrial land and also improved properties. Cost write-downs may be available for projects that provide tangible public benefits, such as affordable housing units, new or retained jobs, or other features. Property values are established by a market appraisal  prepared by an independent appraiser hired by DPD.

Purchasers must demonstrate:

  • Financial ability  to complete the purchase
  • Experience to execute proposed development

Contact: 312-744-LAND (5263)


New Markets Tax Credits
The New Markets Tax Credits program is a federal initiative that generates employment and other economic development benefits in  low-income communities. The program works through the Chicago Development Fund to provide income tax credits to financial institutions in exchange for investment in businesses or real estate projects in qualifying areas.

Projects are located in areas experiencing economic distress and typically include:

  • Industrial businesses and developers of industrial facilities
  • Developers of grocery-anchored retail developments within identified eligibility areas
  • Cultural and community facilities

Contact:  312-744-0892

Requests for Proposals (RFP)
DPD issues RFPs to solicit redevelopment proposals for specific City-owned sites, such as vacant fire and police stations, vacant lots, and other types of properties in the City’s inventory. RFPs are issued for key redevelopment sites throughout the year.

Proposals are reviewed by an evaluation committee that consider:

  • Financial feasibility
  • Developer experience
  • Alignment with the goals of the RFP

Contact: Specified within each RFP. Current RFPs are posted on the DPD website.

Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF)
The SBIF program uses TIF revenues to help owners of commercial and industrial properties repair or remodel their facilities for their own businesses or on behalf of tenants. Program participants receive matching grants to cover half the cost of remodeling work, with a maximum grant amount up to $150,000 for industrial properties and $100,000 for commercial properties. Grants do not have to be repaid. Grants are provided to business and property owners in eligible TIF districts after remodeling work is completed.

Eligible costs include but are not limited to:    

  • New windows, floors or roof
  • Sign removal and replacement
  • Tuck pointing
  • New heating, ventilation and air conditioning
  • Improvements for disabled access
  • Purchase of adjacent property

Contact: 312-360-3300


Special Service Area (SSA)
The SSA program is a mechanism for funding business-oriented support services and programs within contiguous industrial, commercial and residential areas. The services and programs are financed through localized property tax levies and managed by a local service provider, including not-for-profit development corporation, chambers of commerce, and business and industry groups.

Services are provided to businesses within a specific geographic area and include:

  • Maintenance, beautification and safety
  • Business retention/recruitment
  • Marketing, advertising and promotions

Contact: 312-744-8280
Additional information is available here

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
TIF provides financial assistance to businesses that are investing in designated parts of the city that are blighted or in danger of becoming blighted. Funds for private development projects are allocated to build and repair roads and infrastructure, clean polluted land, and put vacant properties back to productive use. Funds are generated by growth in the Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) of properties within designated districts over a period of 23 years. Businesses utilize the new revenues, typically generated by their own properties, for specific purposes that are identified in redevelopment agreements that are subject to approval by the Community Development Commission and Chicago City Council. The assistance is typically provided in annual installments following a project’s completion.

Development costs that may be eligible for TIF assistance include:

  • Studies, surveys and marketing expenses
  • Acquisition of land and site preparation
  • Building rehabilitation/repair
  • Fixtures and leasehold improvements
  • Public works improvements
  • Job training and welfare-to-work programs
  • Certain financing costs
  • Relocation costs
  • Payments in lieu of taxes
  • Taxing district capital costs
  • Day care services
  • Certain costs associated with the development of affordable housing

Contact: 312-744-0765
Additional information is available here.

TIFWorks funds workforce-training initiatives for companies located in designated TIF districts. With TIFWorks support, businesses can become better equipped to improve performance and productivity, expand product lines and gain new customers. Training types may include classroom training, on-the-job training, seminars, workshops, pre-packaged training courses, and related workforce development instruction.

TIFWorks program participants may include:    

  • A business, labor or industry association located within an eligible TIF district    
  • A group of employers with common training needs that will place trainees in a business or businesses located within an eligible TIF district  

Contact: 312-744-4171
Additional information is available here.

Supporting Information Facts