Qualified Investment Areas Criteria
Updated April 2, 2020
The Qualified Investment Areas (QIAs) used by Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus programs were selected in 2016 by analysis of individual Census tract data from the previous four decades.
Two methods of analysis confirmed the areas that benefit from the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund: "Mapping the DNA of urban neighborhoods: Clustering longitudinal Sequences of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Change" by E.C. Delmelle (2016) and concentrated disadvantage scores that indicate relative poverty.
The following variables were considered based on percentages involving local residents and residential structures.
Delmelle Study
- four-year degree
- unemployment
- working in manufacturing industries
- below poverty
- houses more than 30 years old
- households that moved less than 10 years ago
- over 59
- under 19
- vacant units
- owner-occupied units
- units in multi-unit buildings
- median home value
Concentrated Disadvantage
- female headed households
- households receiving food stamps
- individuals below the poverty line
- under 18 years of age
- unemployed
The resulting mapping of the Census tracts for both studies confirmed the QIAs. A new analysis will be conducted in 2021, as City ordinance requires DPD to review the QIAs every five years.