Summer Safety Playbook

Summer Safety Playbook
Staying Safe in the Heat
While it’s usually cooler by the lakefront, temperatures can creep up on kids no matter where they live. Keep these sun-related tips in mind as you plan your outside time.
Heat illness and dehydration can cause trouble for kids in the summer, so it’s important to drink plenty of water. Here’s how to prevent and treat heat-related issues.
Kids can get a sunburn even on a cloudy day. Here’s how to protect their skin from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays and treat a sunburn.
Vehicle safety
Kids should never be left alone in a car, but it’s especially dangerous during the summer. Here are some tips for staying safe around vehicles.

Water Safety
Kids need careful monitoring around water — even a shallow kiddie pool. Here’s how to keep them safe in and around pools, lakes, rivers, and more.
Pool safety
Kids and caregivers need to understand and follow the rules of the pool. Get tips for keeping everyone safe.
River and lake safety
Open water like lakes and rivers is very different from a pool. Here are some pointers for staying safe in different types of water.
Drowning prevention
Even strong swimmers are at risk of drowning. Use these layers of protection for kids and teens in any body of water.
Drownings among young children are most common in home pools or hot tubs.
Staying Safe Outside
Kids and teens can find adventure around every corner in Chicago. Follow these tips to stay safe while having fun outside.
Chicago Summer Safety Program
This summer, the City of Chicago is implementing a new strategy that addresses community safety at a hyperlocal level. Explore the focus areas and tactics.
Bug bites and stings
From spiders to mosquitoes to bees to ticks, it’s a (tiny) jungle out there! Protect your kids and learn how to treat various bites and stings.
Bike, scooter and skateboard safety
Sharing the streets safely is important. Get the rules of the road and read up on the latest safety tips.
Fireworks and fire safety
Help your entire family enjoy fire pits and fireworks responsibly. Read how to avoid burns and other injuries.
Kids age 11 and under can ride their bikes on the sidewalk.
Safety for Teens
Teenagers face unique challenges as they grow toward adulthood. Learn how to support the teens in your life this summer.
Condoms and sexual health
Condoms help protect teens from pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Learn more about talking to teens about sexual health, including consent, safety and protection.
Overdose prevention
Narcan, also known as naloxone, is used to counter the effects of an opioid overdose. Learn more about administration and where to find free Narcan, as well as information on fentanyl test strips.
Free Narcan is available at all 22 Chicago Public Library branches.
Staying Safe at Home
Check out these other summer topics to keep kids and teens safe during summer months at home.
Online safety
Internet access comes with risks like inappropriate content, bullying, and online predators. Get tips on talking to your kids and teens about online safety.
Healthy Homes & lead poisoning prevention
While lead poisoning has significantly declined since the 1990s, kids and teens are still at risk. Get the facts about lead exposure in Chicago.
Additional Reading

Insurance Support
Learn about health insurance with Get Covered Illinois and find a provider near you.

Keeping Your Baby Safe
Learn about keeping your baby safe during sleep, in the car, around pets, and more.