Child Health

Child Health
As children grow, their needs become more diverse. Fortunately, the City of Chicago has a variety of information and programming to support you along the way, from oral health tips to nutrition assistance.

Chronic Disease
Chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and food allergy affect many children, but they can be managed successfully with routine medical care.
Allergies & Asthma
Pollen, pollutants, and dust affect children in different ways. Get the facts about allergies and asthma.
Healthy Weight
Find out how you can help your child avoid weight gain or reduce weight while allowing normal growth and development.
Other Chronic Conditions
Ten to twenty million children in the US have a chronic illness or disability. Learn the signs and symptoms—and what to do about them.

Mental Health & Trauma
Your child's mental health is an important part of their well-being. Know how to recognize and respond to signs of common mental health problems.

Partnering With Your Child’s Doctor
Establishing a trusting and caring relationship with your doctor is key to your child’s health. Get tips for selecting a doctor and some sample questions to ask at your next visit.

Proper nutrition can help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Check out these resources to ensure you and your child have access to healthy food.
The Women, Infants, & Children (WIC) program provides food assistance for women and children who meet certain qualifications.
CPS Nutrition
Chicago Public Schools offers free, nutritionally balanced breakfast, lunch, and snacks to all students.
Nutrition for Children
What do Nutrition Facts labels mean for your kids? This quick read will help you understand the basics.

Positive Parenting & Early Education
Chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and food allergy affect many children, but they can be managed successfully with routine medical care.
Positive Parenting for Any Age
Pollen, pollutants, and dust affect children in different ways. Get the facts about allergies and asthma.
Chicago Early Learning Program
Find out how you can help your child avoid weight gain or reduce weight while allowing normal growth and development
Library Resources for Kids
Chicago Public Libraries (CPL) provides free classes, learning events, reading lists, and other resources for children.
CPS Office of Early Childhood Education
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) provides early learning programs for children from birth to second grade.
Benefits of Reading to Your Child
Research shows that reading to your child at any age can be beneficial for their development.
Tips for Dads
A father's involvement can have a profound effect on a child's development. Get ideas and tips for playing a positive role in your child's life.

Children's Oral Health
Healthy teeth and gums are important for a child's long-term wellness as well as their social and academic success. Our guide will help you understand how to plan dentist visits, how to prevent tooth decay, and where to find resources for your child's oral health.

Vaccines are safe and protect your child from preventable diseases that can lead to hospitalization and death.
Vaccines for Your Children
See CDC guidance for which vaccines your children should get at each stage of their development.
Walk-in Immunization Clinics
CDPH walk-in clinics provide vaccinations for children 0 to 18 years of age at no out-of-pocket cost.
Find Care Near You
Use our resource finder to locate your nearest clinic providing vaccinations or find a pediatrician in your neighborhood.

Lead & A Healthy Home
Vaccines are safe and protect your child from preventable diseases that can lead to hospitalization and death.
Learn About Lead Poisoning
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Lead Poisoning Prevention Program links families with information and services to help reduce your exposure.
Learn About Prevention
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) helps Chicago families like yours detect and address exposures to lead hazards.
Get Help with Lead Testing
Use our resource finder to search for local public services, including lead-testing assistance.
Use our resource finder to locate your nearest clinic providing vaccinations or find a pediatrician in your neighborhood.