Family & Community Health

Family & Community Health
Raising healthy children means creating a safe environment where they can learn and grow. On this page, you’ll find a variety of resources from the City of Chicago to help you along the way.

Firearm Safety
Firearms should be locked and kept in a secure location at all times—especially when there are children at home.
Gun Locks
On a limited basis, the Chicago Police Department provides gun locks. To request one, inquire at your local police district office.
Gun Safety Toolkit
Teamwork to Reduce Infant, Child, and Adolescent Mortality (TRICAM) at Lurie Children’s Hospital provides this informational guide.

Choosing Child Care
It can be a scary thought to have to leave your baby to go back to work. But it's helpful to keep in mind that you are not alone; many mothers and fathers return to work after their babies are born. Here are things to keep in mind as you consider child care options.

Safe Haven
For parents who feel like they cannot take care of their baby and cannot complete an adoption plan, there is the option of Safe Haven. Newborns 1 month old or younger can be handed to a staff member at several public facilities with no questions asked.

Lead & A Healthy Home
Lead poisoning can put children at risk for lower IQ and difficulty paying attention. Find out what you can do to protect your kids.
Learn About Lead Poisoning
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Lead Poisoning Prevention Program links families with information and services to help reduce your exposure.
Learn About Prevention
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) helps Chicago families like yours detect and address exposures to lead hazards.
Get Help with Lead Testing
Use our resource finder to search for local public services, including lead-testing assistance.

Family Planning
Birth control is a safe and effective way to plan when you become pregnant—and it’s covered by most insurance plans. Learn about long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) and other options
Birth Control Information
Explore birth control options and find the one that’s right for you at
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood of Illinois provides reproductive health care, sex education, and information to people all over the state.
Illinois Contraceptives Access
ICAN (Illinois Contraceptive Access Now) helps connect people with healthcare providers who understand birth control.
After Giving Birth
You can become pregnant again as soon as four weeks after delivery. Get the facts on birth spacing after delivery.

Healthy Partner After Birth
It may feel like dads and partners are left out of the conversation when it comes to caring for babies, but their roles are critical.

Healthy Parents After Birth
Making sure a baby has everything they need can feel like a full-time job, even when the responsibility is shared.
Healthy Mom After Birth
After welcoming a new baby, you may find yourself spending all your energy caring for the baby. Don’t forget to look after yourself.