Gender Based Violence News
June 24, 2024 - Statement from Mayor Brandon Johnson on the Anniversary of Dobbs V. Jackson Women's Health Organization (English)
New Request for Proposal
The City of Chicago’s Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) Division on Gender-Based Violence is pleased to announce the release of the Training & Education on Gender-Based Violence and Human Trafficking RFP#29563. This RFP seeks to provide training and education on gender-based violence (GBV) and/or human trafficking (HT) that is tailored for institutions with staff who work directly with community members.
The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) is seeking to fund 2-4 qualified trauma-informed service agency(ies) that have a demonstrated history of working in the community with GBV/HT survivors and developing and executing awareness and prevention trainings to educate and prevent future harm.
The term of contract(s) executed under this RFP will be from January 1, 2025– December 31, 2026. Based on need, availability of funds and contractor performance, DFSS may extend this term for up to one additional year. Continued support will be dependent upon the selected Respondent’s performance and the continued availability of funding. We anticipate available funding to be $150,000 to $300,000 for each contract year. DFSS anticipates funding 2 to 4 agencies.
For more information, please refer to the application posted on the City of Chicago’s eProcurement page under current bids
Training & Education on Gender-Based Violence and Human Trafficking RFP#29563
is now available on the City of Chicago’s eProcurement page
as of Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
Applications are due on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 12:00 NOON CST.
Proposals must be submitted via online application.
E-mailed or faxed proposals will not be accepted.
A Pre-Proposal Webinar will be held on Friday, November 15, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Attendance is not mandatory, but is advised. Please register prior to the webinar start at
A link to the completed Webinar will be available online at the DFSS website after the time and date listed above for those who cannot attend at the live scheduled time. The purpose of this pre-submittal event is to clarify the RFP process and the scope of the required services.
For more information see here.
Partner News
Rebecca Darr from WINGS and Amanda Pyron from The Network hosted Mayor Brandon Johnson and Deputy Mayors in a powerful round table on housing access for survivors. The round table was hosted at the beautiful WINGS facility, where the Mayor and city representatives spoke with survivors on their own lived experiences of looking for housing when fleeing domestic violence. Thank you to WINGS and The Network staff for hosting us and facilitating such an essential conversation. See CBS's coverage here.
City Council adpopted a resolution in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. The resolution was presented by Mayor Brandon Johnson to honor the work of advocates, and was received by Karla Altmayer from Healing to Action and Chair of the GBV Task Force, Teresa Sullivan from Legal Aid Chicago and temporary vice-chair of the GBV Task Force, Amanda Pyron of The Network and appointed member of the GBV Task Force, Shykira Richards from Youth Guidance and appointed member of the GBV Task Force, Aster Gilbert from Center on Halsted and appointed member of the GBV Task Force, Brenda Stewart from Ernestine's Daughter, and Chreita Ellens from Women Employed and appointed member of the Women's Advisory Council . Umi Grigsby, Chief of Policy, Noureen Hashim-Jiwani, Deputy Chief of Policy, and Madeleine Pattis, GBV Policy Analyst were in attendance. Thank you to all of our advocates!
The Mayor’s Office Policy Team, Office of Immigrants, Migrants and Refugee Rights (IMRR), and the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) released a one pager about reproductive healthcare access. The resource was created after reproductive justice advocates identified reproductive and sexual healthcare as a critical gap in resources for new arrivals in Chicago. Thank you to The Personal PAC, Planned Parenthood of IL, and Chicago Abortion fund for advocating for this resource! More translations in other languages are coming soon!
Amanda Pyron, Executive Director of The Network launched Affording Survival, a guaranteed income pilot project for survivors of Domestic Violence. In this program, The Network and partners will be supporting at least sixty survivors of domestic violence with a guaranteed income for one year ($1000/ month). Survivors will also receive domestic violence services and financial coaching from advocates trained by LIFT, Inc. Panelists who participated in the launch included GBV Task Force Members Amanda Pyron and Rebecca Darr. The Johnson Administration, including Chief of Policy Umi Grigsby and Director of GBV and Health Noureen Hashim-Jiwani joined the celebration.
Mayor Johnson and DFSS Commissioner Brandie Knazze hosted a round table with LGBTQ+ youth and non-profits that serve them. The round table focused on gender based violence experienced by LGBTQ+ youth and their access to mental health resources. The conversation touched on many subjects, including on ways in which government can incorporate youth voice into policy development and programming, how government can better understand the LGBTQ+ youth experience, and the importance of trust building between LGBTQ+ youth and adults they work with. Chris Balthazar, the newest member on the GBV Task Force joined the conversation, as did Chief of Policy Umi Grigsby, and GBV Policy Analyst Madeleine Pattis.
Family Connects Chicago hosted their Annual Meeting, in which 160 practitioners, health care administrators, nurses, providers, leaders, advocates, and elected officials met to celebrate the program that provides in home care from a nurse practitioner to birthing people and newborns. Mayor’s Office Chief of Policy Umi Grigsby spoke and shared personal reflections, while also reinforcing the city’s commitment to supporting Family Connects Chicago as a key program to reduce health inequalities and address disparities in maternal and child mortality rates.
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