The Chicago Police Board is an independent civilian body that decides disciplinary cases involving Chicago police officers.

**2024 Annual Report**

The Police Board's primary powers and responsibilities are set forth in the Municipal Code of Chicago, and include the following:

  • Deciding disciplinary cases when the Superintendent of Police files charges to discharge a sworn officer from the Chicago Police Department.
  • Ruling on disagreements between the Chief Administrator of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability and the Superintendent of Police regarding the discipline of an officer.
  • Holding monthly public meetings that provide an opportunity for all members of the public to present questions and comments to the Board, the Superintendent of Police, and the Chief Administrator of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability.
  • Deciding appeals by applicants to become a Chicago police officer who have been disqualified due to the results of a background examination.
  • Adopting the Rules and Regulations for the governance of the Police Department.

See the Board's Standard Operating Procedures and Policies for more information on the operations of the Board.


Department Main Office

Chicago Police Board

Department Facts

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