Supporting Information
2022 DFSS Youth Services End Of Summer Report
This year, Chicago celebrated a summer of joy. Your engagement in our city’s communal, economic, and civic spaces has been integral to building that joy. Through this work, you have strengthened the social fabric that make our city so great.
2023 Youth Intervention Pathways Work Plan
CDPH Immunization Clinics
Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) Fast Track immunization clinics provide vaccinations at no charge for children 0 through 18 years of age.
Chicago Blues Festival
The largest FREE Blues festival in the world, the festival features top tier talent performing in Chicago’s Millennium Park.
Chicago Cultural Center
Drawn by its beauty and the fabulous free public events, hundreds of thousands of visitors come to the Chicago Cultural Center every year, making it one of the most visited attractions in Chicago.
Chicago Out Of School Time Project
Built to create a citywide support system for Chicago's after-school programming, the Out-of-School Time Project is a program housed at the city's Department of Family and Support Services.
Chicago Revealed
Chicago Revealed introduces viewers to the people and places that make Chicago what it truly is - a dynamic city with something new to discover around every corner.
Chicago SummerDance
The beloved Chicago SummerDance series returns this summer at parks across the city and downtown. Dancers of all ages and skill levels are invited to take part in introductory dance lessons by professional instructors followed by live music and dancing.
Childhood Exposure to Violence (CEV)
This 5-module curriculum that focuses on building a community response to Childhood Exposure to Violence helps participants define Childhood Exposure to Violence, recognize the symptoms/behaviors a child may exhibit, and what can be done to respond appropriately when a child has been exposed to violence.
City of Chicago VAWA Emergency Transfer Plan for Residents of HUD-Funded Housing Programs
The City of Chicago, through the Department of Family and Support Services, the Department of Public Health and the Department of Planning and Development, is required by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) to develop a plan for individuals who 1) live in eligible housing that is supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) and 2) have experienced domestic violence.
Clean & Green
Check out the details on the City's Annual clean & Green Day of Service.
Community Service Centers
Community Service Centers are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. City residents who need assistance can drop in or schedule an appointment in advance.
Cool Chi
The City of Chicago participates in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) community-led urban heat island mapping campaign, where volunteer resident scientists, working with the City and community-based organizations, will travel through predetermined routes in their neighborhoods in the morning, afternoon, and evening on one of the hottest days of the year with heat sensors mounted on their own cars.
DCASE 2025 Spring and Summer Festival and Event Dates
The 2025 dates for some of the City of Chicago’s most beloved summertime traditions presented by DCASE.
DCASE Artist-in-Residence
Current and past DCASE Artist-in-Residence.
DCASE Opportunities
Find out what opportunities are offered by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE), fellow City departments and community partners.
Archived Coverage of DFSS Initiatives
Division on Domestic Violence Delegate Agency Site Locations
Division on Domestic Violence Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.
Emergency Preparedness for Pet Owners
Necessary precautionary steps in the case of floods, fires, blizzards, terrorism.
Food and Nutritional Information
The Chicago Department of Public Health encourages everyone to include healthy foods from all food groups to "Get Your Plate in Shape."
HIV Public Awareness Campaign
To learn more about free HIV testing or to find an HIV testing location near you, call 1-800-AID-AIDS (243-2437).
Healing Arts Chicago
The Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events and the Chicago Department of Public Health announce Healing Arts Chicago, a new program offering free arts services to support mental health and wellness at the City’s Mental Health Centers year-round.
Healthy Chicago Podcast
The Healthy Chicago Podcast, a discussion between city medical professionals and weekly guests about topics affecting public health in the city of Chicago and the world.
IDHS National Human Trafficking
The Illinois Department of Human Services introduces; Human Trafficking Protocol for Victims of slavery and human trafficking are protected under the United States and Illinois law
Influenza Home
Flu is a contagious respiratory disease that can lead to serious illness, hospitalization, or even death. Most people with the flu have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs. Review these materials for recommendations on influenza treatment, testing, and vaccination.
Information for Young Adults
Relationship violence occurs when one partner attempts to maintain power and control over the other. Research suggests that thousands of young adults are physically, emotionally and sexually abused by their dating partners every year.
Learning Lab Artist-in-Residence
The Learning Lab at the Chicago Cultural Center is an interactive studio that offers sights, sounds, and experiences for visitors of all ages and a wide range of abilities.
Maxwell Street Market
Visitors to the Maxwell Street Market will experience an eclectic mix of foods and finds—including handmade crafts, resale housewares, clothing, and much more.
Mental Health Equity Initiative (MHEI) Network Dashboard
The Mental Health Equity Initiative (MHEI) initiative, launched in October 2020, operates and funds services provided by 5 CDPH mental health clinics and a robust network of mental health safety net providers. The MHEI initiative mobilizes diverse mental health providers to expand low-barrier, trauma-informed, and integrative outpatient mental health services to Chicagoans regardless of ability to pay, immigration status, or health insurance. Providers include Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that receive funds to implement service delivery models that expand allowable mental health service types in community areas of focus.
Millennium Park
Discover a state-of-the-art collection of architecture, landscape design and art that provide the backdrop for hundreds of free cultural programs including concerts, exhibitions, tours, and family activities. In Millennium Park, you’ll find a new kind of town square – a lively, spectacular gathering spot located in the heart of the city and a destination for Chicagoans and visitors alike.
Millennium Park Summer Film Series
This summer, DCASE is pleased to present the Millennium Park Summer Film Series on Tuesdays from July 8 through August 19. Films start at 6:30 p.m.
Millennium Park Summer Music Series
Millennium Park Summer Music Series features a wide variety of music from established and emerging artists at the iconic Jay Pritzker Pavilion.
Mpox Home
The CDPH Mpox landing page, featuring the latest mpox data and information about mpox testing, prevention, vaccination, and treatment.
Mpox Resources
The CDPH Mpox Resources page features links to downloadable mpox guidance, mpox press releases, and media resources to download and share.
Mpox Symptoms & Treatment
CDPH Mpox testing and treatment, with information on the signs and symptoms of mpox, mpox testing availability, isolation guidance, and mpox treatment.
Mpox Vaccine
The CDPH Mpox vaccination page, featuring information about the Jynneos mpox vaccine, mpox vaccine eligibility, vaccination cost, and where to find an mpox vaccine near you.
Neighborhood Cultural Spotlight Exhibitions in the Welcome Center
Neighborhood Cultural Spotlight features people, places and organizations nominated by Chicagoans for their cultural contribution to their neighborhood’s vitality. Learn about new cultural assets each month in this space, and then visit them in person in their community or online!
OVP - About Us
The Office of Violence Prevention and Behavioral Health (OVPBH) works to reduce the likelihood of violence related injury and death and support trauma recovery and healing across Chicago communities.
Pet Responsibility Portal
Pet ownership is a very rewarding privilege that requires a high level of responsibility and investment on the animal owner's behalf.
Powerful Ways to Prevent Bullying
Every child has the right to be part of a family, a class, a school, and a community and to be accepted for who they are. This training presents important information to adults who may believe that bullying is a rite of passage or ‘normal’ for a child to experience- that it is a form of violence.
Summary of Youth Services
Here is some background information on the services provided by the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services Youth Services Division:
Taste of Chicago
Established in 1980, this uniquely-Chicago summertime tradition returns with an impressive array of eateries showcasing the city’s culinary excellence and diversity.
Teen Dating Violence Prevention
The Chicago Department of Public Health Office of Violence Prevention is working to raise awareness about Teen Dating Violence (TDV).
Vending Machine PIN Request Form and Information
The Chicago Department of Public Health Harm Reduction vending machines offer harm reduction supplies at no cost, but you must have a PIN code to access these items. Simply follow the steps below to gain access to items in the machine.
WIA Youth In-School Program Locations
The federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) supports youth workforce services which provide an individualized combination of education, skill enhancement, career exploration, job-readiness skills, apprenticeships and internships, and occupational training that lead to employment or post-secondary education.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence occurs when one partner uses physical, emotional, sexual and/or financial abuse to maintain power and control over the other.
Year of Creative Youth Directory of Youth Organizations & Resources
Chicago’s arts and service communities support youth across Chicago to explore and engage in creative experiences. From school-based programs to community arts initiatives, to summer internships, youth-led programs and more – creative arts activities are a fundamental path for Chicago youth to find their voice and see themselves as innovators, makers and creators.
Youth Division 2019 Program Portfolio and Strategies
The DFSS Youth Services Division designs and funds programs and initiatives that leverage the assets and strengths of youth in the city of Chicago to support their growth, development and success.
Youth Ready Chicago Regional and Career Development Centers
This program offers year-round youth workforce development services focused on career awareness, exploration, preparation and job placement to Chicago youth ages 14-21. Each YRC Career Development Center will also work to place more than 120 youth annually in private-sector and community-based employment opportunities.
Youth Services Delegate Agency Site Locations
Youth Services Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.