Shelter Placement and Resource Center (SPARC) Information

If you are a single adult in need of shelter, the Shelter Placement and Resource Center (SPARC), located at 2241 S. Halsted St, offers a 24/7 intake location dedicated to connecting individuals with shelter placements and providing interim basic services. These services include access to food, showers, and overflow shelter. Individuals will also receive diversion assessments and diversion services, if appropriate. The SPARC can accommodate up to 200 people awaiting shelter placement. Please note that once capacity is reached, both the day and overnight waiting areas will be closed. For shelter assistance at any time, individuals can submit a shelter request by calling 311. 

Note: SPARC is designed to assist single individuals only. Families with children are encouraged to call 311 for shelter placement. Families needing a safe place to wait for shelter may go to the Shield of Hope, also known as Emergency Homeless Assessment and Response Center (EHARC), at 924 N. Christiana Ave to receive shelter placement, diversion, and other specialized supports. 

SPARC is operated by community-based partners Franciscan Outreach and New Life Centers, with funding provided by the Illinois Department of Human Services.

Service Facts