For Homeowners

The Department of Housing offers a number of programs to assist current homeowners in making repairs to their homes, and contracts with housing counseling services to help prevent foreclosure.

For more information, call 312.744.3653

Additional Dwelling Units (ADU) Ordinance

The Additional Dwelling Units (ADU) Ordinance expands housing access across Chicago by allowing ADUs in attics, basements, and accessory buildings. Common names for these type of housing units include coach houses, backyard houses and in-law apartments.

Emergency Heating Repair Program

The Emergency Heating Repair Program (EHRP) provides for the repair or replacement of a home's primary heating system.

Green Homes Chicago

Green Homes Chicago provides free home energy upgrades and energy efficiency retrofits to income-eligible homeowners, including new insulation and heat pump heating and cooling systems. Selection for this program is based on household eligibility and available funding and is not guaranteed. A site inspection will determine eligibility and scope of work.

Home Repair Program

Formerly known as the Roof and Porch Repair Program, the Home Repair Program (HRP) provides roof or porch improvements for income-eligible homeowners.

Housing Counseling Centers

Housing Counseling Centers provide counseling to help Chicago residents purchase homes and reduce the number of properties that are lost as a result of foreclosure.

Refinancing of Affordable Units

Department of Housing policy does not allow cash-out in subordination transactions. The maximum new mortgage loan amount will be the amount of the pay-off letter(s) plus the closing costs shown on a signed good faith estimate.

Resale of Affordable Units

A list of documents that should be submitted to the Department of Housing to begin processing of a request for review of the sale of the affordable unit in compliance with the City of Chicago Mortgage, Security and Recapture Agreement.

Reverse Mortgage

To receive a Reverse Mortgage, homeowners must be aged 62 or older, own their homes free and clear or have significant equity in the property, and they must live in the property as their primary residence.

Small Accessible Repairs for Seniors (SARFS)

The Small Accessible Repairs for Seniors (SARFS) program; formerly known as H-RAIL, provides safety, security and accessibility improvements that help senior citizens to remain in their homes.

Tax Increment Financing - Neighborhood Improvement Program (TIF - NIP)

Program (TIF-NIP) is an DPD-administered program that has been providing home repair grants in eligible TIF districts since 1999.

Technical Assistance Citywide (TACIT)

These agencies provide training and technical assistance, regarding Fair Housing compliance, property management, rental issues and Co-op/Condo options, to non-profits in low-moderate income areas.

Technical Assistance Community (TACOM)

Technical Assistance-Community (TACOM, formerly known as Housing Resource Center or HRC) agencies provide housing-related information, problem solving, community events, workshops and housing fairs to assist low- and moderate-income homeowners.









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