Chicago/Central Park TIF

Designation: 2002    Expiration: 2026

The Chicago/Central Park TIF district was created to foster commercial and residential improvements within a 678-acre section of the Humboldt Park community. Priorities include the revitalization of Chicago Avenue and Division Street shopping corridors with  retail uses that are mutually beneficial to individual businesses. Funds are also targeted for land assembly and building rehabilitation and renovation projects, especially involving structures with architectural and historic value. The district is also intended to promote redevelopment opportunities on vacant lots, improve public transportation services, and provide assistance for job training, day care and other worker-assistance projects.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Designation Ordinance (PDF)
Annual Report (PDF)
10-Year Status Report (PDF)
Projection Report (Data Portal)



Chicago/Central Park TIF district map, roughly bounded on the north by Kamerling Avenue, Lake Street on the south, Kedzie Avenue on the east, and Kostner Avenue and Pulaski Road on the west.


Nelson Mandela Apartments

Children's Place

 Breakthrough Urban Ministries - Ministry Center

Rosa Parks Apartments

Westinghouse HS

Breakthrough Urban Ministries II


Supporting Information Facts