Tummy Time
“Tummy Time” is a great way to help your baby strengthen and learn new skills. As they grow and become stronger, they become more and more excited for time spent on their tummy.
Why is tummy time important?
Tummy time can help with building neck and trunk strength.
- Tummy time can help prevent plagiocephaly (when the back of a baby's head is flat) and torticollis (when the neck is turned one way).
- Tummy time helps babies develop movement skills that eventually lead to rolling, crawling, standing, and walking!
- Tummy time can also help with visual, cognitive, language, and sensory development.
Help! My baby doesn't like tummy time.
- Most babies cry at first with tummy time. Don't worry, your baby will grow to love it.
- Do tummy time when your baby is happy. Make it fun by laying down and making eye contact with your baby or by placing a toy or mirror in front of your baby. Sing songs and use a happy voice.
- Avoid tummy time after a feed.
- Try starting tummy time for just a minute at a time, a few times a day. Gradually increase how long your baby does tummy time until your baby can do longer stretches such as 15 minutes multiple times a day.
Tummy Time Safety
Tummy time should only be done when your baby is awake.
- Always supervise your baby during tummy time.
If your baby falls asleep, gently roll them over onto their back.
- Remember: Tummy time for play, back to sleep!
If you are doing tummy time on a couch or bed:
- Always keep a hand and eyes on your baby in case they roll, to prevent falls.
Additional Reading

Infant Attachment
Your relationship with your baby is a special one, and it starts the day they are born.

Learn about the “milestones” that you and your baby's doctor will track together.

The Sound of Your Voice
It's never too early to start talking, singing, reading, and playing with your child.