Supporting Information
1807-1815 N. Kimball Ave EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant
1807-1815 N. Kimball Avenue U.S. EPA Brownfields Draft Cleanup Grant Application
Notice of Public Meeting and Solicitation of Public Comments
2009 Chicago Waste Characterization Study and Waste Diversion Study Results
In 2009, the City of Chicago, Department of Environment contracted with CDM to perform a Waste Characterization Study and a Waste Diversion Study (the Studies). The Waste Characterization Study details the quantity, sources and composition of the city’s waste stream. The Waste Diversion Study measures the city’s current diversion rate and estimated our maximum reasonably achievable diversion rate.
A Guide for MOPD's Language Access Policy
MOPD's Language Access Policy
About the Household Chemicals & Computer Recycling Facility
Brief history of Chicago's Household Chemicals & Computer Recycling Facility.
Air and Natural Resources
Chicago is home to vibrant urban forests, prairies, and wetlands. Through continuous restoration, outreach, and research efforts, the city prioritizes protection of these natural areas.
Alternative Fuels
As part of its ongoing effort to improve air quality, the City of Chicago is working with the Chicago Area Clean Cities (CACC) coalition and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to promote the use of alternative fuel vehicles—vehicles powered by "clean" fuels such as compressed natural gas, E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline), propane and biodiesel—in Chicago area fleets.
Anti-Litter Classroom Activity
This activity will help students develop a positive attitude against littering. Students will develop solutions to help reduce littering.
Blue Cart & Recycling Drop-off Center: Accepted Materials
List of materials that are accepted in the Chicago Blue Cart Program & Recycling Drop-off Centers.
Blue Cart Schedule and Maps
View the Blue Cart Residential Recycling Map to identify your residence's pick-up zone, hauler and schedule.
Brownfield Funding Opportunities
The Department of Fleet & Facility Management does not have funding available for brownfield redevelopment for private or not-for-profit entities; however, grant and loan funds are available from U.S. EPA and Illinois EPA.
CHA 24 - 39th State EA 12-24-2018
The following document is for a City of Chicago and Chicago Housing Authority proposed land swap and redevelopment project located at 3808 S. Dearborn. 2FM is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
CHA DOH 2709-15 W Division ERR
The following document is for a combined Chicago Housing Authority and City of Chicago proposed multi-use development project located at 2709 W. Division St. AIS is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
Chicago Area Clean Cities
CACC is one of 83 Clean Cities coalitions across the country. The City of Chicago coordinates CACC, whose members represent governments, businesses, educational and research institutions, fuel providers, utilities and environmental organizations.
Chicago Brownfields Initiative
Brownfields, as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), are “abandoned, idled, or under-utilized industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination.”
Chicago Conservation Corps' Environmental Leadership Training Program
Find out how you can become a C3 Leader.
Chicago Conservation Corps' Student Clubs
C3 Student Clubs provide a great opportunity for students.
Chicago Film Office — Film Sustainability
As the Chicago film industry aligns with new national and global sustainability standards, there’s a growing investment in accountability and eco-friendly practices for film production. To support productions in embracing these best practices, the Chicago Film Office and ECOFIXR have partnered to bring you an exciting webinar series featuring industry leaders and cutting-edge technology.
Chicago Landscape Ordinance FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about the Chicago Landscape Ordinance.
Chicago PAH Background Study
In 2001, the City of Chicago conducted a background study investigating certain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) concentration levels within City limits.
Chicago River Corridor Development Plan
The framework for the revitalization of the Chicago River is provided by the Chicago River Corridor Development Plan.
Chicago Sustainable Development Policy
The Chicago Sustainable Development Policy has been continually implemented since June 2004. The goal of the policy is to enhance the sustainable performance of projects receiving City assistance. It requires development projects that are receiving financial assistance or special approvals from the City to include sustainable elements.
City Hall's Rooftop Garden
Chicago’s most famous rooftop garden sits atop City Hall, an 11-story office building in the Loop. City Hall and the adjacent Cook County building appear to most people as one building spanning a city block bounded by LaSalle, Randolph, Clark and Washington streets.
Clean & Green
Check out the details on the City's Annual clean & Green Day of Service.
Commitment to Green Printing
Fleet and Facility Management's Graphic Services is committed to the environment and is making efforts to eliminate paper and toxic chemical waste, from design through production. We choose printing products that are environmentally friendly to help lessen factors that contribute to air, land and water pollution. Every job we print, design or photograph has been thoughtfully produced, keeping in mind our footprint on this planet.
Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling
The Department of Public Health promotes the responsible separation and recycling of construction and demolition (C&D) debris to help contractors and property owners save on costly disposal fees while protecting the environment.
DCASE Archived Newsletters
Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) archived newsletters.
Daily Flushing
Home Owner's Advise
Diesel Retrofit Program
The City of Chicago is retrofitting a portion of the City's diesel-powered fleet using oxidation catalysts (catalytic converters). The City plans to retrofit the entire diesel fleet over time, pending funding availability. The retrofits will improve air quality while reducing the risk of health problems related to diesel exhaust.
Doing Our Share for Cleaner Air: Idling Reduction
Information Regarding Cleaner Air through Idling Reduction
Downspout Disconnection
Downspout disconnection can help prevent basement sewage backup. Before you disconnect your downspout, consider where you are directing the water, and that cold weather will cause icing conditions.
Emerald Ash Borer Supplemental Information
Information on the Emerald Ash Borer and important links.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Get involved in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy programs.
Environmental Permit Fees
Information on environmental permit and fees
Environmental Rules and Regulations
CDPH enforces the Rules and Regulations in cooperation with other City departments where applicable
Filter Strips
Information on Filter Strips and their advantages.
Find a Residential Recycling Drop Off Center
Residential Recycling Drop-Off Centers—blue dumpsters specifically designated for recycling—are located throughout the city. View a list of locations below.
Former Carnotite Reduction Company
The Carnotite Reduction Company operated a radium processing facility in the early 1900s near what is now 434 E. 26th Street. The site was later occupied by the former Michael Reese Hospital and purchased by the City of Chicago in 2009. Site investigations performed at Carnotite identified radiologically-contaminated soil present beneath the surface. The contamination does not pose an immediate threat to human health or the environment, but the City is required by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) to remove the contaminated soil.
On April 20, 2023, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) terminated the radioactive material license for the site.
Former Carnotite Reduction Company Frequently Asked Questions
Former Carnotite Reduction Company - Frequently Asked Questions
Gladstone Park Corridor Study
The Gladstone Park Corridor Study was developed from 2015 to 2017 at the request of the Gladstone Park Chamber of Commerce and in coordination with then-Ald. John Arena of the 45th Ward and then-Ald. Margaret Laurino of the 39th Ward.
Going Green
Department of Finance Green Efforts For Noticing
Green Design
Green designs and ideas that we can all use to help use water more wisely.
Groundwater Ordinance
In 1997, the Chicago City Council passed a groundwater ordinance prohibiting the installation of new potable water supply wells.
Harbor Permit Review Process
CDOT has the responsibility to review all permits requested within 40 feet of City waterways.
Instructions for Commercial Driveway Permit Application – this should be a link on the Driveway permits
Household Chemicals & Computer Recycling Facility Accepted Items
This page contains information about Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facilities.
Illinois Site Remediation Program
The Illinois Site Remediation Program (SRP) is a voluntary cleanup program for brownfield sites administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA).
Invasive Species
Threat of invasive species.
LMO - 2 Reports
These reports detail the efforts that the Chicago Department of Water Management has undertaken to conserve and wisely manage our natural water resources.
Large Installations
The City of Chicago has made installing large rooftop solar PV systems (those generating greater than 13.44kw) easier than ever before, easing restrictions and streamlining processes, saving time and design costs.
Low-Cost Education and Weatherization Program
The Low-Cost Weatherization and Education Program (LCWEP) aims to prepare, educate and train Chicago residents in low cost weatherization techniques. C3 volunteers are trained in low-cost home weatherization techniques. Volunteers then train their neighbors and distribute and install weatherization kits.
Mayor Brandon Johnson And The City Of Chicago Department Of Environment Announce Request For Proposals For Green Stormwater Infrastructure Strategy
CHICAGO – The Chicago Department of Environment (DOE) announced today the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Citywide Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Strategy.
Open Space Section
The Open Space Section of DPD's Sustainable Development Division works to increase the amount of publicly accessible open space in Chicago.
Permeable Paving
Permeable paving refers to paving materials – typically concrete, stone or plastic – that promote absorption of rain and snowmelt.
Private Sector Recycling
Chicago's City Council adopted the Workplace and Residential Recycling Ordinance in 1994, requiring all property managers and building owners to implement an effective recycling program by January 1, 1995. The City regularly inspects businesses to ensure compliance and issues citations for noncompliance.
Small Installations and the Easy Permit Process
Information on small installations and the Easy Permit process.
Solar Contractor Checklist
Follow this checklist for installing solar in Chicago.
Sustainable Chicago 2015
Building on Chicago’s legacy in sustainability and innovation, Sustainable Chicago is Mayor Emanuel’s road map for accelerating sustainability throughout Chicago. Comprised of 24 interlocking goals over 7 categories, Sustainable Chicago allows for clear tracking of results until the plan’s completion in 2015. From increasing energy efficiency to renovating parks to improving stormwater management, achieving these goals will increase the city’s liveability, expand economic development and job creation, and elevate Chicago’s rank as a world-class city.
Sustainable Operations Plan
To lead by example, the City of Chicago has developed this Sustainable Operations Plan for conducting day-to-day operations at City facilities in a sustainable manner.
Sustainable Operations Plan
To lead by example, the City of Chicago has developed this Sustainable Operations Plan for conducting day-to-day operations at City facilities in a sustainable manner.
Sustainable Operations Plan
To lead by example, the City of Chicago has developed this Sustainable Operations Plan for conducting day-to-day operations at City facilities in a sustainable manner.
Explore the links on this page to learn more about Chicago’s transportation resources and how you can use and support them
With the Lake Michigan to the east and the Chicago River winding through the heart of the city, Chicago maintains valuable water resources. Preservation of the lakeshore ensures clean drinking water and beaches while restoration of the Chicago River will open the city’s next recreational frontier under the Mayor's leadership. Explore the links below to learn more about water in Chicago and how you can help protect and conserve it.
Water Conservation
Learn about Water Conservation!
Water Conservation Tips
Our water is a precious and limited resource. Remember to use only the amount of water you actually need. Look for ways to conserve water in and around your home and place of work.
Water Education Campaign
In 2005, the City developed a campaign called Save the Source to tell you about the actions you can take to conserve water, maintain water quality and better manage stormwater at your home.
Water Treatment
Treatment makes the water safe for people to drink.
Water Well Survey
In 2007, the former Department of Environment (DOE) conducted a potable well survey to determine if active potable wells exist in and nearby the city limits. Information was obtained from the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) regarding all confirmed records of wells installed within the City limits of Chicago and 200 feet beyond.
What Can I Do to Conserve and Manage Water?
Chicago was built in this very location because of its access to water. Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes hold one-fifth of the Earth's fresh water.
What Happens to Items Taken to the Household Chemicals & Computer Recycling Facility
Information on what happens to materials after they're dropped off at Chicago's Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility
What is Single Stream Recycling
Single stream recycling refers to a system in which all recyclables are mixed together in a collection truck, instead of being sorted by material type (i.e. newspaper, plastic, glass, aluminum, etc.) by the resident.
Zero Waste Chicago
Explore the following efforts to support the City's long term goal of achieving zero waste.