Supporting Information
10 Things Every Consumer Should Know About Auto Repair
When faced with the possibility of costly auto repair work, most consumers want to get the best deal for their money. It is equally important to know that the repair service is dependable. In Chicago, consumers have certain rights when it comes to working with an auto repair shop outlined in the Chicago Municipal Code. Chapter 4-228.
2022 Cooling Ordinance
In June 2022, the Chicago City Council adopted an ordinance requiring certain new and existing residential buildings to install air conditioning equipment in common gathering areas and make these areas available to residents as cooling centers when the outdoor heat index exceeds 80°F.
Age-Friendly Chicago
In July 2012, Mayor Rahm Emanuel secured a place for Chicago in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities. As a part of the WHO network, Chicago joins a growing number of cities and communities worldwide who are striving to better meet the needs of residents of all ages by creating inclusive and accessible urban environments.
CDFSS Participation Card
When a Chicago resident, 60 and better, visits a regional or satellite senior center or a Golden Diners site, they will be given an opportunity to receive a free photo identification card.
CDPH Immunization Clinics
Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) Fast Track immunization clinics provide vaccinations at no charge for children 0 through 18 years of age.
Chicago Cultural Center
Drawn by its beauty and the fabulous free public events, hundreds of thousands of visitors come to the Chicago Cultural Center every year, making it one of the most visited attractions in Chicago.
Chicago Cultural Center Building Tours
Gaze at the world's largest Tiffany stained-glass dome, as well as beautifully ornate multi-colored mosaics, marble and molding during guided architectural tours of the Chicago Cultural Center.
Chicago Farmers Markets
ChicagoFarmers Markets sell fresh seasonal produce, flowers, prepared foods, unique Chicago-made products and rare finds – at Chicago’s longest running farmers market on Daley Plaza, the historic Maxwell Street Market and a dozen more community markets in neighborhoods across Chicago.
Chicago Fitness Plus Community Locations
Chicago Fitness Plus Community Exercise Classes are offered at 30 locations throughout the City. Each class lasts approximately 45 minutes.
Chicago Fitness Plus Program
The Chicago Department of Family & Support Services (DFSS) and Alliance Rehab, Inc. have created an award winning fitness program that is not only fun, affordable and accessible, but one that concentrates on the key components to a healthy and independent lifestyle:endurance, strength, balance and flexibility.
Chicago Fitness Plus Regional Center Fitness Programming
Exercise classes are offered in the Regional and Satellite Centers as well as in Community Sites located throughout the city.
Chicago Gospel Music Festival
This FREE inspirational music festival brings audiences of all ages and backgrounds together to celebrate the power of music.
Chicago Heat Ordinance
The Department of Buildings enforces the Chicago Minimum Requirements for Existing Buildings, which includes the Chicago Heat Ordinance (Section 14X-8-803 of the Municipal Code). The Heat Ordinance applies to both homes and workspaces.
Chicago Jazz Festival
Known for its artistic creativity, the Chicago Jazz Festival is a favorite Labor Day Weekend tradition. It promotes awareness and appreciation for all forms of jazz through free, quality live musical performance.
Chicago SummerDance
The beloved Chicago SummerDance series returns this summer at parks across the city and downtown. Dancers of all ages and skill levels are invited to take part in introductory dance lessons by professional instructors followed by live music and dancing.
City Human Resource Policies
City of Chicago Human Resources Policies
DCASE 2025 Spring and Summer Festival and Event Dates
The 2025 dates for some of the City of Chicago’s most beloved summertime traditions presented by DCASE.
Archived Coverage of DFSS Initiatives
Division on Domestic Violence Delegate Agency Site Locations
Division on Domestic Violence Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.
Domestic Violence 2005 - 2013 Help Line Reports
The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services’ (DFSS) Division on Domestic Violence released the 2010 call volume data for the City’s Domestic Violence Help Line.
Domestic Violence Annual Reports
Select from the system’s list below to access links to existing annual reports containing Illinois domestic violence victim information.
Domestic Violence Special Publications
ILDVDI Customized reports are typically produced once and typically reflect a “unique” exploration. Formats include, research studies, reports to community, special reports, newspaper articles, etc.
Elder Abuse Information
Elder abuse affects thousands of Illinois senior citizens every year. As a result of the abuse, these victims experience severe neglect and extreme feelings of fear and loneliness. As members of the community it is our obligation to raise awareness and reach out to this often isolated group of victims.
Emergency Preparedness for Pet Owners
Necessary precautionary steps in the case of floods, fires, blizzards, terrorism.
Film Festivals/Events Calendar
Chicago is the proud home of over 40 independent film festivals providing distinctive programming throughout the year.
Find a Residential Recycling Drop Off Center
Residential Recycling Drop-Off Centers—blue dumpsters specifically designated for recycling—are located throughout the city. View a list of locations below.
Food and Nutritional Information
The Chicago Department of Public Health encourages everyone to include healthy foods from all food groups to "Get Your Plate in Shape."
Golden Diners Program
Many older adults do not want to eat alone. The Golden Diners Program offers them a way to get a healthy meal each day and enjoy the company of friends. Hot, nutritious lunches are served to older adults (over 60 years of age) at nearly 70 community sites each weekday throughout Chicago.
Healing Arts Chicago
The Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events and the Chicago Department of Public Health announce Healing Arts Chicago, a new program offering free arts services to support mental health and wellness at the City’s Mental Health Centers year-round.
Healthy Chicago Podcast
The Healthy Chicago Podcast, a discussion between city medical professionals and weekly guests about topics affecting public health in the city of Chicago and the world.
Help In Your Home
Health services provided for seniors in their homes.
Home Delivered Meals
This program provides nutritious meals to older persons (60 years and older) who are frail and/or home bound because of illness or incapacitating disability or are otherwise isolated.
Homeward Bound Animal Placement Program
Transferring animals to other State Licensed animal shelters or breed rescue groups often provides them a much better chance of being adopted than remaining at our shelter. Through the Homeward Bound Program, nearly 7,000 animals are transferred out to partnering shelters each year!
Human Service Delivery
Human Service Delivery is about people and partners.
Inclusive Terminology 101
The Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities provides information to print and broadcast reporters, students, disability organizations and the general public about terminology and portrayal issues concerning people with disabilities.
Influenza Home
Flu is a contagious respiratory disease that can lead to serious illness, hospitalization, or even death. Most people with the flu have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs. Review these materials for recommendations on influenza treatment, testing, and vaccination.
Juneteenth Events Taking Place City-Wide
A list of events celebrating Juneteenth throughout Chicago.
Maxwell Street Market
Visitors to the Maxwell Street Market will experience an eclectic mix of foods and finds—including handmade crafts, resale housewares, clothing, and much more.
Medical Reserve Corps
The national Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a volunteer group of both medical and non-medical professionals, organized on a local basis to help provide needed services to their communities during emergencies and disasters.
Mental Health Equity Initiative (MHEI) Network Dashboard
The Mental Health Equity Initiative (MHEI) initiative, launched in October 2020, operates and funds services provided by 5 CDPH mental health clinics and a robust network of mental health safety net providers. The MHEI initiative mobilizes diverse mental health providers to expand low-barrier, trauma-informed, and integrative outpatient mental health services to Chicagoans regardless of ability to pay, immigration status, or health insurance. Providers include Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that receive funds to implement service delivery models that expand allowable mental health service types in community areas of focus.
Microchip Chicago
Chicago Animal Care and Control strongly recommends that all pet owners microchip and obtain a collar and tag for your pets. Cats that get lost are 9 times more likely to be reunited to their home if they arrive at a shelter with a collar and tag or microchip. Dogs are 5 times more likely to be returned home to their owner if they have a collar and tag or microchip. It is also the law for all dogs to have a city dog license. If your pet gets lost and is found by our shelter we will research the tag and microchip information and contact you as soon as possible to let you know your pet is with us.
Millennium Park
Discover a state-of-the-art collection of architecture, landscape design and art that provide the backdrop for hundreds of free cultural programs including concerts, exhibitions, tours, and family activities. In Millennium Park, you’ll find a new kind of town square – a lively, spectacular gathering spot located in the heart of the city and a destination for Chicagoans and visitors alike.
Millennium Park Holiday Sing-Along
The Millennium Park Holiday Sing-Along invites Chicagoans and visitors to sing out and celebrate Chicago’s diverse holiday traditions at 6 p.m. on Fridays, December 5, 12 & 19.
Millennium Park Summer Film Series
This summer, DCASE is pleased to present the Millennium Park Summer Film Series on Tuesdays from July 8 through August 19. Films start at 6:30 p.m.
Millennium Park Summer Music Series
Millennium Park Summer Music Series features a wide variety of music from established and emerging artists at the iconic Jay Pritzker Pavilion.
Mpox Home
The CDPH Mpox landing page, featuring the latest mpox data and information about mpox testing, prevention, vaccination, and treatment.
Mpox Resources
The CDPH Mpox Resources page features links to downloadable mpox guidance, mpox press releases, and media resources to download and share.
Mpox Symptoms & Treatment
CDPH Mpox testing and treatment, with information on the signs and symptoms of mpox, mpox testing availability, isolation guidance, and mpox treatment.
Mpox Vaccine
The CDPH Mpox vaccination page, featuring information about the Jynneos mpox vaccine, mpox vaccine eligibility, vaccination cost, and where to find an mpox vaccine near you.
Neighborhood Cultural Spotlight Exhibitions in the Welcome Center
Neighborhood Cultural Spotlight features people, places and organizations nominated by Chicagoans for their cultural contribution to their neighborhood’s vitality. Learn about new cultural assets each month in this space, and then visit them in person in their community or online!
OVP - About Us
The Office of Violence Prevention and Behavioral Health (OVPBH) works to reduce the likelihood of violence related injury and death and support trauma recovery and healing across Chicago communities.
Personal Finance Resource Directory
Various personal financial resources that are available.
Preventing West Nile Virus
Stopping mosquitoes is the key to stopping West Nile virus. Limiting their habitat helps limit the spread of the virus.
Produce Mobiles Site Listing and Schedules
Produce Mobiles organizations service all clients regardless of where they live. Hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.
Regional Center Computer Classes
Learn how to become computer savvy with one of the Regional Center classes.
Regional Center Information
Chicago ranks as unique for its neighborhood communities which reflect the cultural diversity of the City. These communities are represented by five regions: Northeast, Northwest, Central West, Southeast, and Southwest. The Chicago Department of Family & Support Services has built a senior center in each of the five regions of Chicago.
Satellite Center Information
The satellite senior centers, part of the Mayor’s vision to keep Chicago’s neighborhoods active, accessible and affordable for Chicago’s senior population, provide services, programs and activities closer to seniors on the neighborhood level.
Senior Employment Programs
The Senior Community Service Employment Program, sponsored by the Illinois Department on Aging, is a training program designed to assist the mature worker (at least 55 years old) in re-entering the job market. It operates under a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor under the Title V of the Older Americans Act.
Senior Services Delegate Agency Site Locations
Senior Services Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.
Services Division Portfolio and Strategies
The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) Senior Services Division is the City of Chicago’s lead agency for older adults and serves as the local Area Agency on Aging as designated by the Illinois Department on Aging. DFSS/Chicago Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is part of a national network of services and programs that protect the rights and support the needs of the nation’s seniors.
Support Chicago's 100K Homes Fund
The goal of Chicago Registry Week is to create a by-name registry of people living on our streets and shelters, so we can prioritize those who have been out there the longest and who are the most vulnerable.
Support Groups for Older Relatives Raising Children
The Chicago Department of Family & Support Services is mindful that throughout Chicago, an ever growing number of people are devoting themselves to the daily care of loved ones. Whether the role of caregiver comes gradually, or through a sudden crisis, caregivers need somewhere to turn. That is why the Chicago Department of Family & Support Services has expanded our Caregiver Support Program to meet the essential needs of family caregivers.
The Light Up Chicago Volunteer Program
The Light Up Chicago Volunteer Program is conducting a citywide search for Chicagoans with civic minds, warm hearts, and helping hands available to assist senior citizens. Chicago's senior community is just as diverse as the city itself. Depending on your interests, skills, and availability, the Chicago Department of Family & Support Services offers various volunteer opportunities.
Upper Kitchen Cabinetry Equivalent Facilitation Letter (2017-2019)
MOPD’s Accessibility Compliance Unit has made the following determination of equivalent facilitation. Please see page for information.
Vending Machine PIN Request Form and Information
The Chicago Department of Public Health Harm Reduction vending machines offer harm reduction supplies at no cost, but you must have a PIN code to access these items. Simply follow the steps below to gain access to items in the machine.
Volunteer at CACC
Animal Care & Control welcomes volunteers to assist in the socialization and adoption of animals housed at Animal Care & Control.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence occurs when one partner uses physical, emotional, sexual and/or financial abuse to maintain power and control over the other.
What is a Public Health Emergency?
A public health emergency is any adverse event (natural or man-made) that compromises the health of the population and has the potential to cause widespread illness
Who is the CCHR?
The Commission on Human Relations promotes appreciation of Chicago's diversity and works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination. Commissioners, advisory councils, and staff conduct pro-active programs of education, intervention, and constituency building to discourage bigotry and bring people from different groups together.