DFSS Youth Mentoring RFP
September 8, 2022
City of Chicago
Department of Family and Support Services
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DESCRIPTION: Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS),
Youth Mentoring Program RFP
The Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) seeks qualified respondents to implement in-school and out-of-school mentoring programs for youth ages 12-24 in Chicago who are at risk of not transitioning successfully into adulthood. This Request for Proposals (RFP) requires cohort-based, trauma-informed mentoring for 45 hours annually per youth that need additional supports with a focus on youth with complex needs. Mentoring offers youth critical emotional, cognitive, and behavioral support through consistent interaction to promote their social, emotional, and cognitive growth into adulthood. DFSS hopes youth who engage in mentoring will experience a safe space, a strong relationship with a caring mentor and understand and grow their social and emotional competence.
DFSS anticipates funding between 45 and 70 agencies. The term of contract(s) executed under this RFP will be from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2024. DFSS awards will start at $69,000, with a rate of $2,300 per youth and a minimum of 30 youth per program. The total funding available is anticipated at $9,561,100.
For more information, please refer to the application posted on the City of Chicago’s eProcurement page: https://eprocurement.cityofchicago.org/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=PON_ABSTRACT_PAGE&PON_NEGOTIATION_STATUS=ACTIVE
A note about the City’s eProcurement System:
For those who have not done business with the City of Chicago before, registration in iSupplier is the first step to ensuring your agency’s ability to conduct business with the City of Chicago and DFSS. Please allow five to seven days for your registration to be processed.
Current contractors need only to start an application via their existing iSupplier/eProcurement account.
All vendors must have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and an IRS W9 for registration and confirmation of vendor business information.
October 12, 2022
12:00, NOON CST
Proposals must be submitted via on-line application.
E-mailed or faxed proposals will not be accepted.
A Pre-Proposal Webinar will be held on September 15, 2022, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Attendance is not mandatory but is advised.
Please register prior to the webinar’s start using this link:
Webinar Recordings Links :
https://youtu.be/LXVXkIpIdV0 - Part 1
https://youtu.be/GCG3Sucr2JA - 10.12.22 - Part 2
A link to the completed Webinar will be available on-line at the DFSS website after the time and date listed above for those who cannot attend at the live scheduled time. Please register prior to the Webinar’s start. The purpose of this pre-submittal event is to clarify the RFP process and the scope of the required services. Attendance is not mandatory, but it is strongly suggested that interested applicants attend.
Department of Family and Support Services
City of Chicago