Brain Health
The Brain Health Series is designed to help adults learn how to reduce risks and maintain a healthy brain. These free, 1-hour informational programs on topics about maintaining Brain Health are offered on-line. To register for upcoming programs, please click this link: Registration is required to receive the log-in information. Previously recorded Brain Health presentations are located at
Buried in Treasures – This 8-week program is designed to assist people 60 and older who may have excessive clutter and difficulty with decision-making around organizing and discarding items. Sessions are held once per week for 90 minutes. Both online and in-person options are available. Registration is required to receive log-in information. To register, please click this link:
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) - The WRAP program is a prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, stay well, and make their life more the way they want it to be through a series of tools and action plans. This 8-week program is a process for anyone who wants to make positive changes in the way they feel and the way they react to life. It is offered for people 60 years of age and over who want a self-directed system for continuing the progress toward a healthier lifestyle. Registration is required to receive log-in information. To register, please click this link:
What’s in Your Closet? - Tired of your family or friends trying to get rid of your things? Feeling like you don’t know what to do? Join us for a conversation on how you can take charge of your stuff and learn ways to sort and organize. This 90-minute program is for ages 60 and older. In-person and on-line options are available. Registration is required to receive log-in information. To register, please click this link:
Training and Education for Care Partners of people living with Alzheimer’s or Related Diseases
Basic Savvy Caregiver® Program – This interactive program for family and friends caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease or related conditions is a free, 6-week training series designed to support family caregivers. Participants develop strategies and master skills to help their caregiver situation; to reduce the effects of stress through planning and self-care; to manage daily life and behaviors; and to effectively communicate with a person with dementia. A new series starts each month online. Please see the registration form for available times and dates.
Registration is required to receive log-in information. To register, please click this link:
Advanced Savvy Caregiver Program – This free, 4-week, online program is a companion program to the Basic Savvy Caregiver® Program and focuses on helping family caregivers cope with advanced stages of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease or related illnesses. It is recommended that caregivers attend this program after waiting at least six months from when they complete the Basic Savvy Caregiver® Program. However, family caregivers who are currently caring for someone in the late stages of the disease are welcome to attend the Advanced Savvy Program even if they did not complete the Basic Savvy Program. Registration is required to receive log-in information. To register, please click this link:
Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers™ - This program is for family caregivers of people living with Alzheimer’s disease or related illnesses. Through interactive sessions, either online or in-person, participants learn ways to reduce the stress that comes with taking care of family or friends. A different stress reducing technique is offered at each of the 9 sessions in this program. Please see the online registration form to see available times and dates. Registration is required to receive log-in information. To register, please click this link:
Training and Dementia Education for Apartment Managers and Building Staff
Creating Dementia-Friendly Buildings – In partnership with the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), this free training program is designed for apartment building staff to recognize the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s and related diseases. The program is an online, learning module that takes about 1-hour to view. After completing a short knowledge survey at the end of the module, participants will be able to print a certificate of participation. To access the learning module, go to
Brain Health 1 - Brain Health Basics addresses normal aging of the brain, threats to brain health, and healthy aging for the body and brain. Dr. Victoria Russo and Danielle Riley of DFSS Senior
Services present.
Brain Health 2 - Medicine, Age, and the Brain - Dr. Michael Koronkowski, Clinical Assistant
Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), College of Pharmacy, discusses the impact some medications can have on brain health of older adults and the importance of talking with your
Brain Health 3 - Managing Memory - Dr. Victoria Russo, City of Chicago DFSS discusses normal changes in the brain due to age and how we can adapt to cognitive slowing, recognize Alzheimer’s Disease, and strengthen our memory.
Brain Health 4 - Preventing Brain Injury - neurologist Joshua G. Cahan, MD
with the Northwestern Medicine Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease, addresses what happens after a brain injury occurs and ways you can protect your brain.
Brain Health 5 - Social Connections and Health: Why Feeling Connected Matters -
presented by Dr.Louise Hawkley, Principal Research Scientist, NORC at the University of Chicago. This thought-provoking discussion addresses the benefits of staying connected in an ever-changing world.
Brain Health 6 - Vision and the Brain - presented by Deborah Zelinsky, OD, Founder and Executive Research Director of the Mind-Eye Institute. Dr. Zelinsky addresses the importance of vision’s
impact on overall brain health.
Find the live recordings Online at
This project was supported, in part by grant number 90ADPI0033-01-00, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.