Flexible Housing Pool Request For Information
January 26, 2018
The City of Chicago (City) is pleased to issue this Request for Information (RFI) related to the development of a Flexible Housing Pool (FHP). The FHP’s goals are threefold: First, the FHP aims to create more effective ways to connect individuals who have been homeless with high behavioral health and physical health needs who are frequently using crisis systems (e.g. emergency rooms, shelters or jail) to supportive housing and the services necessary to stabilize them. Second, the FHP aims to create new supportive housing. The third goal is centered around implementing these resources in a new way that increases efficiency in housing identification and placement, centralizes the housing coordination function, provides funding flexibility to overcome barriers to housing for this population and ultimately reduces the length of time to housing for FHP participants.
January 26, 2018
All proposals shall be submitted online to:
Maura McCauley
Director of Homelessness Prevention, Policy and Planning
Department of Family and Support Services
1615 W. Chicago Ave, 3rd fl. West
Chicago, Illinois 60622
SUBJECT: Flexible Housing Pool
INQUIRIES: All inquiries or questions must be directed to Maura McCauley, Director of Homeless Prevention, Policy & Planning, City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, (312) 746- 7447, or by email at maura.mccauley@cityofchicago.org.
Questions must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, Thursday, February 15, 2018. If a determination is made that a clarification or change to the RFI document is required, a written addendum will be posted on the Department of Family and Support Services website. Respondents are responsible for obtaining all RFI materials.
Deadline and Procedures for Submitting Responses
Responses must be received by the City of Chicago via email no later than 5: 00 p.m. Central Standard Time on Thursday, February 22, 2018. Responses must be delivered to the following email address: maura.mccauley@cityofchicago.org