Multi-Family TIF Purchase-Rehab Program

The Multi-Family TIF Purchase-Rehab Program helps private developers purchase and rehabilitate vacant and/or underutilized buildings within designated Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts.

The program provides TIF assistance ranging from 30 to 50% of the total cost needed to rehabilitate and/or acquire multi-family and mixed-use buildings containing five or more units in portions of the South and West side sides. The amount of TIF assistance is determined by project need and requires a percentage of apartments be made available to households earning no more than 80% of area median income over a period of 10 years.

For example, if the TIF grant provides 30% of the project’s total cost to purchase and rehab the property, 30% of the units must be affordable. If the grant provides 40% of the cost, 40% of the units must be affordable.

To be eligible, a property must require substantial rehabilitation that requires a permit for costs of $10,000 or more per unit. Projects that aim to redevelop mixed-use properties with underutilized retail spaces within the City of Chicago's targeted Invest South/West commercial corridors are prioritized.

In TIF districts that lack multi-family stock, smaller buildings within a two-block radius may also be grouped together to include five or more units.

The program is active within the 43rd/Cottage Grove, 47th/Ashland, 47th/King, 63rd/Ashland79th Street, Avalon/South Shore, Austin Commercial, Chicago/Central Park, Commercial Avenue, Englewood Neighborhood, Midwest, Roseland/Michigan and South Chicago TIF districts

The Department of Housing works in collaboration with Community Investment Corp. (CIC) to administer the program.

For further information, contact or call 312.870.9948.


Program Requirements
Affordability Requirement Required
Percentage of Affordable Units 
Minimum Amount
of Assistance
(% TPC*)
Maximum Amount
of Assistance
(% of TPC*)
Minimum Required
Number of
Total Units**
80% AMI 30% $25,000 30% 5 15 years
80% AMI 40% $25,000 40% 5 15 years
80% AMI 50% $25,000 50% 5 15 years



* Total Project Cost (TPC) = Base Purchase Price + Cost of Substantial Rehabilitation

** Single-family (1-4 unit) residential properties may be aggregated to meet minimum unit requirement


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