Creative Worker Rights

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Information For Creative Workers


Who is a creative worker?

A creative worker is anyone who earns income from creative, cultural or arts-based pursuits, or works within the creative sector as an employee (full-time or part-time), independent contractor, entrepreneur or gig worker.

Creative workers are all individuals who advance arts and culture activity. A non-exhaustive list of titles includes: animators, architects, archivists, art directors, arts educators, artisans, authors, camera operators, ceramicists, choreographers, composers, costumers, creative consultants, cultural producers, curators, dancers, designers, development consultants, editors, engineers, facilitators, filmmakers, finance professionals, front of house workers, glass artists, grant writers, graphic designers, illustrators, interns, marketing and PR experts, multimedia artists, muralists, music directors, painters, photographers, poets, producers, screenwriters, sculptors, security staff, stagehands, teaching artists, techs, ushers, visual artists, wardrobe attendants, and writers.


Not sure if this applies to you?

Not to worry. All the resources included on this page can be useful to you as someone who lives or works in the City of Chicago.


DCASE, Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events

Creative Worker Resources

A listing of local and national resources that support creatives, from job boards to professional advancement programs to emergency funding.

Illinois Department of Labor

Illinois Department of Labor

Learn about the new state law that provides protections for contractors, gig, and freelance workers.

BACP, Business Affairs and Consumer Protection

Office of Labor Standards

Learn about Chicago’s labor laws, including minimum wage, wage theft, paid leave and paid sick and safe leave, and how to file a claim.

Chicago Commission on Human Relations

Chicago Commission on Human Relations

Learn about Chicago’s discrimination, harassment, and retaliation laws. These laws apply to employees and contract/freelance workers.


Attend an upcoming webinar or training


For Creative Workers: Know Your Rights

Art is Labor. In this webinar from DCASE and BACP, you will learn about labor laws that apply to you as a creative worker in Chicago. The overview will provide information on Chicago’s labor laws including Minimum Wage, Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave, Fair Workweek, and Wage Theft. Additionally, there will be an overview on the new Illinois Freelance Worker Protection Act (FWPA), which protects freelance workers and requires that written contracts be provided, timely payment of compensation, and access to recourse in the event of a violation of FWPA. Finally, you will learn about new resources and organizations that can support you as a creative worker. There will also be time to ask questions at a Q&A session. All DCASE and BACP webinars will be recorded and posted on this site.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 10am (English) on Zoom – Register

Trabajadores Creativos: Conozca sus derechos laborales

Presentado por: La Oficina de Normas Laborales de Chicago y el Departamento de Asuntos Culturales y Eventos Especiales de Chicago

El arte es trabajo. En este seminario web, usted aprenderá acerca de las leyes laborales que se aplican a usted como un trabajador creativo en Chicago. La visión general proporcionará información sobre las leyes laborales de Chicago incluyendo el Salario Mínimo, el Tiempo Libre Pagado y Tiempo Pagado por Enfermedad, la Semana Laboral Justa, y el Robo de Salario. Además, habrá una visión general sobre la nueva Ley de Protección del Trabajador Autónomo (freelancer) de Illinois (FWPA), cual protege a los trabajadores autónomos y requiere que se proporcionen contratos por escrito, el pago oportuno de la compensación, y el acceso a remedios en caso de violación de la FWPA. Por último, conocerá sobre nuevos recursos y organizaciones que pueden apoyarle como trabajador creativo. También habrá tiempo para hacer preguntas en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas.

Martes 30 de julio, 2024, 10am por Zoom – Registrarse



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The City of Chicago is committed to providing accessibility for all individuals. To request accessibility, please contact BACP at, 312-744-6060. In order to ensure the best quality service is provided, we ask that you make request no later than 3 business days in advance of the event.