Indiana Avenue - 35th to 31st

Indiana Avenue - 35th to 31st

View of intersection with family posed to cross street, car traveling parallel to family, and cyclist riding on roadway.

Indiana Avenue from 35th Street to 31st Street is scheduled for resurfacing. As part of that project, CDOT is planning to make changes to the street to address long-standing traffic safety concerns from the neighborhood, slow vehicle speeds, and improve safety for neighbors.

Project Goals & Infrastructure Highlights

Proposed changes to Indiana include:

  • Remove one of the three travel lanes – Narrowing the street to encourage safer speeds and to make it easier to cross Indiana on foot
  • Install concrete curb extensions – Improving the visibility of people walking across Indiana and slowing down cars that turn onto and off of the corridor
  • Add bus bulbs – Providing more space for people to wait at bus stops on Indiana, and improve bus travel times
  • Add a protected bikeway - Reusing unneeded space to provide a separate lane for people to bike comfortably on Indiana

Project Location

Indiana Avenue between 35th Street and 31st Street.

