Featured Projects & Innovations
Featured Projects & Innovations
Each year CDOT rolls out dozens of new Complete Streets improvements across the city. This page provides insight into selected individual projects as well as featured treatments and new materials being used at multiple locations. Continued learning and innovation bring new approaches to planning and working with residents. Learn more in the projects below.
Featured projects are displayed below. For a longer list of projects, please visit the projects gallery.

Left Turn Traffic Calming
Left Turn Traffic Calming encourages safer turning behaviors from drivers and boosts pedestrian safety at intersections.

Pre-Cast Concrete Barrier Protected Bikeways
As part of CDOT's commitment to building low-stress bikeways, the department is installing concrete curbs as upgrades to existing bike lanes and as part of new installations.

Bus Boarding Islands
Bus boarding islands expand the sidewalk space at a bus stop and can improve the efficiency of transit service as a bus does not need to merge back into traffic after stopping.