Pre-Cast Concrete Barrier Protected Bikeways
Pre-Cast Concrete Barrier Protected Bikeways
Pre-cast concrete barrier bikeways are demarcated by series of low profile concrete blocks, similar to parking stops. The blocks are installed end-to-end, forming a continuous curb that separates the bikeway from vehicle travel lanes.
Concrete barriers harden the line between vehicle lanes and bike lanes, eliminating confusion about where cars should park and drive. These barriers raise the stakes for drivers who might be tempted to pull into a bike lane—most people won't jump a curb for a standing zone.
Creating stronger separation between bikeways and vehicle lanes makes a street more comfortable to ride on, encouraging more people of all ages to use Chicago's bikeways network.
Pre-cast concrete curbs are faster and simpler to install than poured concrete which requires pavement cuts, concrete forms, heavy logistics, and certain weather conditions. Pouring concrete on-site may also mean longer closures for bikeways being upgraded.
Protected bike lanes are found on streets with higher traffic volumes and potentially greater speeds, like commercial and industrial corridors. In 2022 CDOT announced all existing protected bike lanes will be upgraded with concrete curbs. Any new protected bike lanes will be outfitted with either pre-cast or traditional cast-in-place concrete.
Residents can track the progress of these upgrades with CDOT's Planned Bikeways Installations Tracker. To find existing protected bike lanes in Chicago, use the interactive map on the Existing Bikeways Network webpage.

North Broadway

West Kinzie Street