Planned Bike Projects
Planned Bike Projects
Bicycling in Chicago continues to grow each year with more Chicagoans biking than ever. The cycling boom has been a result of the City’s investment in more and better bike infrastructure alongside a growing interest in biking as a convenient, affordable, sustainable, healthy, and fun way to get around.
CDOT’s 2023 Chicago Cycling Strategy, outlines the department’s community-driven approach to expanding the bike network and making Chicago a more equitable, safe, and inviting place for cycling. The Strategy guides the planning and implementation of our bike network and reflects the rapidly evolving nature of the transportation landscape.
The sheets below list CDOT’s planned and recently completed bikeways segments. The list is updated periodically, information provided represents CDOT’s most recent knowledge of project status. Each project is implemented under unique conditions and coordination needs, and exact target dates for construction are not available.
Tips for using this tracker:
Mouse over the list window and scroll up and down to peruse the list in alphabetical order
Use Ctrl+F to search for specific street names in the list
Each year has its own sheet, be sure to click the year you’re looking for at the lower left corner of the embedded list