Guiding Principles for Responsible AI Systems

These principles describe the City of Chicago’s values with regards to how AI systems are purchased, configured, developed, operated, or maintained. 

  • Equitable: AI systems deliver services and opportunities that enable all city stakeholders to thrive and participate. Bias in AI systems will be managed to minimize harm for all affected by its use..  
  • Inclusive: AI adoption prioritizes user empowerment through education, training, and collaborations that promote participation and opportunity. 
  • Human-Centered: AI systems are developed and deployed with a human-centered approach that evaluates AI powered services for their positive impact on the public. 
  • Effective: AI systems should be reliable, meet their objectives, and deliver precise and dependable outcomes for the utility and contexts in which they are deployed. 
  • Accountable: Roles and responsibilities govern the deployment and maintenance of AI systems, and human oversight and intervention ensures adherence to relevant laws and regulations. 
  • Transparent: An AI system, its data sources, operational model, and policies that govern its use are understandable and documented. 
  • Safe and Secure: AI systems maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability through safeguards that prevent unauthorized access and use. Implementation of AI systems is reliable and safe, and minimizes risks to individuals, society, and the environment. 
  • Privacy preserving: Privacy is preserved in all AI systems by safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive data from unauthorized access, disclosure, and manipulation.