Empowered, Inclusive IT Workforce

 Empowered, Inclusive IT Workforce
A high-performing, diverse IT workforce is essential to the city’s ability to serve Chicagoans effectively now and in the future.

Limited resources impede effective service delivery, employee engagement, and the development of a sustainable pipeline of tech talent. Our goal is to empower and inspire our current workforce through training and refreshed career pathways and encourage more people to join our cadre of Chicago technologists. We seek to develop our pipeline of future talent through increased investment and participation in programs, such as STEM and apprenticeships with educational institutions. Through these actions, we will contribute to a thriving tech community for Chicago.

The city’s heavily outsourced technical environment requires the right balance between delivery capacity / know-how from vendor partners and the advancement of city staff skills and capabilities. We must develop the processes, vendor agreements, business relationships, and collaborative design methods to enable the hybrid vendor-city organization to deliver relevant solutions. Central IT must have a pulse on business needs to understand demand and provide high-quality service  to city departments.


Our goal is to inspire city staff and encourage more people to choose Chicago as their employer of choice. Empowering Chicago technologists entails providing the necessary training and support for staff to be successful in these new roles. We plan to refresh job titles, career pathways, and ways of working citywide to be more competitive with private industry standards. We are improving the visibility of available positions through a dedicated Chi Tech Jobs site.


A high-performing, diverse, multi-generational IT workforce is essential to the city’s ability to serve Chicagoans effectively. We must cultivate a sustainable pipeline of technical talent through succession planning, investments in STEM programming and apprenticeships, and mentoring opportunities with educational institutions, private industry, and other organizations. To promote diverse and inclusive IT leadership, we must open opportunities to accommodate varying levels of experience and right-size degree requirements. Through these actions, the city will help build a thriving tech hub and community.
