What is the CARE initiative?
- CARE (Community Anti-Violence and Restoration Effort) is a coordinated investment that encompasses multiple city and community-wide programs. It is a government and community-based initiative that is bringing together our communities and our government and empowering our residents to make our neighborhoods a safe place to live and work.
How does the CARE initiative differ from past anti-violence efforts undertaken in the Chicagoland area?
- This initiative marks the first time the City and County have committed to work together and are aligned on goals and a roadmap to stop the violence. CARE is a program of hope, and we are committed to making a safer tomorrow for our youth, our communities and the city we all love. CARE brings not only the City and County governments together, but also aldermen, communities, families, and teachers, as well as businesses, to create a vast network with the collective tools and resources necessary to make our communities safer.
- For example, CARE community programs, such as “Strong Blocks,” partner police units and local organizations to rebuild neighborhoods and prevent crime from returning to previous hotspots. This joint effort reduced overall crime for targeted blocks by as much as 60 percent (47th & Michigan).
- Another example is our new data-sharing initiative, which will allow us tot rack individuals across agencies and departments.
How will CARE reduce violence?
- CARE unites and coordinates activities among multiple city and community-wide programs to accomplish four things: promote community stabilization through active leadership and participation; prevent violence on the streets; keep youth safe and in school; and coordinate an effective response to violence in our community.
- With roots in our schools, businesses and communities, CARE extends beyond the responsibility of government and law enforcement. From One Summer Chicago to “Strong Blocks” to Safe Passages, CARE is already at work in our communities.
- CARE focuses not only on reducing crime, but also stabilizing neighborhoods. When everyone makes safety a top priority, residents feel pride in their neighborhood and are more likely to continue to engage in crime-reducing activities, such as conducting block walks and reporting neighborhood concerns.
How is the CARE initiative funded?
- Collectively, the City and County invest $4.5 billion annually toward violence reduction. CARE creates an additional opportunity to focus resources and funding toward prevention and intervention, which are two crucial pieces in the anti-violence equation. Also, CARE will help the City and County spend their money more carefully by sharing resources and finding more efficient ways of doing business.
- Additionally, the City and County utilize grant funding to support several CARE initiatives. For example, grants from foundations and research institutions support CARE’s One Summer Chicago PLUS program, which provides jobs and programs for at-risk teens.
How long will the City and County fund this program?
- The City and County governments are dedicated to the long-term success of the CARE initiative and to making our streets and neighborhoods safe places to live and work. We’re ready to make long-term investments, but we all share responsibilities in creating safer neighborhoods. We will see the most impact when our communities and residents work together and take ownership of our actions.
What role does the Police Department play in the CARE initiative?
- The CARE plan recognizes that public safety is about more than just policing. The district commanders are partnering with schools, businesses, and neighborhood organizations to engage with their local police officers.
How can I get involved?
- CARE is an ongoing dialogue where we listen to our residents and local leaders at the community level to learn what’s most important to them, to hear their stories, and to empower them to become active participants. We’re listening and we want to know what community means to you and how you envision change in your neighborhood. Visit the “Get Involved” section of our website for information on the many ways you can support CARE initiatives.
How can I get access to City or County services?
Will this program create any new jobs?
- CARE facilitated the job placement of more than 17,000 area youth in local businesses and launched customized summer jobs for an additional 700 at-risk youth.
- Additionally, more than 168,000 summer programs for youths aged six to 24 were available this year through One Summer Chicago, including summer camps and arts and sports programs.