City Wide Care Forum

The forum was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who made it possible: The collaboratives, the City of Chicago, Cook County, Chicago Public Schools, the Violence Reduction Strategy team, and Bank of America. Everyone learned about efforts going on all over the City to restore communities and reduce violence. Below, you can find pictures and links to the presentations.

How can I Help?

CARE is an ongoing dialogue–we listen to our residents and local leaders to learn what’s most important to them. After all, each community knows and understands its unique needs and often is the best source for a solution. 


Over the next few weeks, in conjunction with the City and the County, a group of leading ladies in the faith community will be rolling out a program of engaging parents and children around commonsense principles for success. 


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What's CARE?

Making every community in the Chicago area safe is a top priority for us personally and for everyone who works at the City and the Count.

Care Collaboratives