Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Administrative hearings debt includes but is not limited to violations issued by the Departments of Streets and Sanitation, Police, Buildings, and Business Affairs and Consumer Protection.  These violations are heard at the Department of Administrative Hearings, which has a central hearing facility located at 400 W. Superior.


  • Eligible if currently enrolled in Utility Billing Relief (UBR)Clear Path Relief (CPR) or have a household income less than or equal to 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines based on the 30 days prior to application.
  • Get interest, costs, and fees waived by paying 50% of the fine amount or enrolling and successfully completing a payment plan.
  • Restitution is excluded and must be paid in full or included in a payment plan.  A list of excluded case types can be found in ADR Exclusions.
  • Payment plans require a minimum down payment of $25 and can extend up to 60 months. 
  • It is your responsibility to make sure that all eligible debt is included as part of your debt relief.
  • No adjustments will be made due to your failure to pay in full or enter into a payment plan for eligible debt within the required time period.

Check Balance and Payment Options

ADR Hardship Relief

No, adjustments will be made after your application has been approved. 

You have 12 months from being approved to make payment in full or enroll in a payment plan.

Yes, enroll in a payment plan by calling 312-742-3317. Payment plans require a minimum down payment of $25 and can extend up to 60 months.


  • If it is your first or second missed monthly payment, you can re-enroll in a payment plan within 120 days of the last missed due date.
  • If it is your third missed payment, your plan will be defaulted, and you can no longer participate in ADR.
  • Once your plan is defaulted, all debt will be reinstated, and you may be eligible for enforcement action. 

Application Process

The prior addresses you provide will be used to identify any outstanding administrative hearings debt.

To ensure that you receive the maximum benefits from ADR, it is your responsibility to make sure that all eligible debt is identified.  Debt that is not identified during the application process will not be eligible for relief. 

To qualify for ADR Hardship Relief, you must be currently enrolled in Utility Billing Relief (UBR)Clear Path Relief (CPR) or have a household income less than or equal to 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines based on the 30 days prior to application.

If you submitted an application for ADR Hardship Relief, the City will do the following:

  • Confirm income eligibility.
  • Send you an email indicating whether you’ve been approved, denied, or requesting additional information.
  • If approved, conduct a debt check to determine your eligible outstanding debt.
  • Send you an email with your debt and instructions on how to pay in full or enroll in a payment plan.

If you feel you were denied in error because you have eligible administrative hearings debt and meet the income requirements or are currently enrolled in CPR or UBR, please contact 312.742.3317.

ADR applications are processed in the order that they are received.

No.  A debtor may only be granted relief under the ADR Program for one approved application.