OPSA (only) Human Resources
Records Management and Hiring
This section is responsible for filling public safety departmental vacancies, which includes oversight for the hiring process for all Sworn (CPD), Uniform (CFD), and Civilian (OEMC or OPSA). Oversight involves job posting development, interview coordination, initial processing, and onboarding.
This section also performs general human resources functions for public safety employees including maintenance of personnel records, change of address requests, employment verification, promotions, transfers, reassignments and ambulance waiver processing.
Retirements and Leaves of Absences
This section is responsible for processing and managing retirements, resignations, and leaves of absence (LOAs) for public safety employees. Administration of eligible LOAs may include FMLA, medical, military, and paid parental.
Tuition Reimbursement
This section is responsible for processing applications and managing payment disbursements for tuition reimbursements for CPD, CFD, and OEMC employees.
HR Background Investigations
This section is responsible for conducting the preemployment background investigations for Sworn and Civilian CPD personnel. Investigative activity may include, but is not limited to criminal history and education screening, drug testing, polygraph administration
Policy and Performance Management
This section is responsible for administration of CPD’s Notice of Job Opportunity (NOJO) process for all specialized units and special functions, CPD promotional processes (e.g.
exam preparation guides, coordination, administration, and eligibility lists), performance evaluations, CPD Consent Decree-related performance evaluations, CPD internship programs, and CPD's distribution, inventory, and management of Departmental stars. This section also oversees and administers CFD’s Transfer Order for special functions. This section is also responsible for developing public safety related procedures, tracking of HR related invoices and procurement, and training enrollment.
Public safety employees are the backbone of every community. Our employees make our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces safer, secure, and more vibrant. If you want to make an impact and explore the rewarding world of public service—answer the call to serve!
Department Main Office
Office of Public Safety Administration
Phone: 312.745.5350
3510 S Michigan Ave, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60653
Get Directions - Leadership
Frank Lindbloom
Interim Executive Director