Lake Calumet Industrial TIF

Designation: 2000    Expiration: 2036

Chicago's largest TIF district, the 11,945-acre Lake Calumet TIF was designated to restore business activity on expansive parcels of vacant and underutilized land in the South Deering, Hegewisch and East Side communities. The area was home to numerous large industrial employers for much of the last century before the decline of steel-related industries and other economic trends beginning in the 1970s forced many major employers to downscale and ultimately cease operations. The TIF was designated to implement comprehensive planning and land use objectives that promote the construction of new industrial and commercial uses that provide full-time employment opportunities for area residents. Additional goals include an improved system of roadways, waterways, utilities and other infrastructure that serves existing businesses and future development projects. Funds from the district are also targeted to foster the protection and expansion of the area's wildlife habitats.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Redevelopment Plan Amendment #1
Redevelopment Plan Amendment #2
Redevelopment Plan Amendment #3
Annual Report (PDF)
10-Year Status Report (PDF)
Projection Report (PDF)

Lake Calumet Industrial TIF district, roughly bounded on the north by 90th Street, Brainard Avenue and 136th Street on the south (City Limits), Avenue N and Ewing Avenue on the east, and Cottage Grove Avenue on the west.




Supporting Information Facts