August 2023 Committee on Design meeting

The Committee on Design met on Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023. A recording of the meeting is available to watch on YouTube.

Address (Community Area, Ward) Agenda Description Draft Presentation

Committee Member Briefing
1-1:15 p.m. (Closed to the Public)

2033 N. Kingsbury St.
(Lincoln Park, 2nd Ward)

The proposed 25-story building from Sterling Bay would serve as a transition between the small-scale residential neighborhood to the east and the future development of Lincoln Yards to the west. The proposal includes ground-floor retail, two levels of parking and a large open space at the southern corner of the site that helps the site provide a landscaped link to Lincoln Yards and the river to the west. The planned tower massing steps back to create outdoor amenity spaces at the fourth, 15th and 25th floors, responding to the height of the surrounding buildings and taking advantage of the views of the Chicago skyline to the east.

Draft Presentation


Committee on Design
Aug. 9, 2023