Historic Preservation

DPD's Historic Preservation Division works with property owners, city departments, sister agencies, and the general public to promote the preservation of Chicago's historic resources. The division researches and prepares landmark designation reports and reviews permit applications for work on proposed and designated landmarks. It also administers the Demolition Delay Ordinance, maintains the Chicago Historic Resources Survey, and promotes the preservation of historic buildings through incentives, preservation planning, public outreach, and technical assistance. The division staffs the Commission on Chicago Landmarks, which is responsible for recommending potential landmark designations to the City Council.

312.744.3200 | landmarks@cityofchicago.org

Black Chicago Heritage Initiative

The Black Chicago Heritage Initiative (BCHI) seeks to shine a light on topics of collective importance gathered through a community-driven process. The vision for the project is to identify aspects of cultural heritage unique to the Black experience in Chicago and to create strategies for their historic preservation and interpretation.

Citywide Adopt-A-Landmark Fund

The Citywide Adopt-a-Landmark Fund allocates funding generated by downtown construction projects to support restoration of buildings that have been individually designated as a Chicago Landmark, or a contributing building in a designated landmark district, excluding single-family homes and residential buildings of six units or less.

Class L Property Tax Incentive

Cook County offers the Class L property tax incentive to encourage the preservation and rehabilitation of landmark commercial, industrial, and income-producing non-for-profit buildings.

Historic Themes Analysis of Chicago Landmarks

The Department of Planning and Development conducted a review of the city’s designated landmarks in 2019 using a methodology developed by the National Park Service (NPS).

Landmark Permit Review

The Historic Preservation Division staffs the Commission on Chicago Landmarks and reviews all permit applications for work involving designated and proposed Chicago landmarks and landmark districts.

Multimedia Tours

The Historic Preservation Division is committed to preserving the stories and places that are part of Chicago's legacy. DPD launched a new tool called StoryMaps which allow the public to explore Chicago landmarks in more depth. New StoryMaps will be added throughout the year.
